I cant say goodbye

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I cant say goodbye

We have been down this road to many times. Buffalo General has became a second home to our family. This time they moved granny to hospice. I know its because they didnt have any room no where else for her in the hospital. They said she has seven days to live. They been saying this for years. For some odd reason I can't leave the hospital though. Only to spend a few minutes with my baby Beylei and taking a shower. I've been in the hospital for six days straight, so my cousin Krystal and I decide to go to the St. Vincinent Di Paul's thrift store. As we enter the store store the smell of other people belongings hit me. The smell of pain, and suffering. I quickly grabbed a game for the family to play. I come from a competitive family it doesn't matter what kind of game so I grabbed monopoly and connect four. All of a sudden something began to guide me to the broken, uncared for shelf that had the paint chipped, and one screw barely holding it up. I began to look through the pile of picture frame, there I found a frame that was had to slots for two photos, the frame was bronze, and on the glass was engraves Memories are not by the number of breathes we take but by the moments that take our breathe away. I picked it up I just had to have it. We paid for our belongings and headed back to the hospital with granny. Usually Krystal drives like a crazy drunk driver, which usually she is. Today she stopped at every light, at every stop sign, and let pedestrians take their time across the street. The four minute drive seemed like forever. Finally when we made it to the eighth floor, I see my friend Lee crying, who mother was in hospice also. When he seen me he grabbed me and said she's gone. She died this morning. I did'nt know what to say I had already lied and said God will bring her out of this. All I coukd do was say sorry and hug him. Something else seems wrong. When I turn to granny hall there were twenty nurses with all white like in the movies I mean the same exact uniforms. I get to granny room and I hear someone said she just died. Oh Lee mom I know thats so sad. No Tauney, granny. I couldn't comprehend. My hands get clamy, my knees began to shake, I start getting light headed. So I rush to her side and put my head on her chest there's nothing, no heart beat, no chest movement. I run out this can't be right she said she wouldn't never leave me. I regain control of my body and go back in the room to rexamine the situation. The same results. We began to pray. My legs began to shake, and I can no longer control my legs. I fall to the floor, and scream. She's my best friend, I'm her shadow. She taught me everything I know. She never told me what to do in this situation. Granny don't leave me I cry out. I look at the frame and knew it was her who wanted me to get it. I can't replace her but the frame reminds me not how much time you have with someone, how many times they took your breathe away. R.I.P. Granny

True Story

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2010 ⏰

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