Bad Storm

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I woke up stretching a bit then got out of my bed looking out my window and saw how bad the sky looked.  "Great it's going to be a crappie day out today." I thought to myself sighing a bit I went to my closet changing my shirt and switching into my motionless in white shirt and put my black skinnys on along with my black boots. I looked at my phone hoping I had a text from my boyfriend Andrew. It's been awhile since we last talked since it seems like all we do is fight. So I decided to go to his house to see what was up. As I got to his house I knocked on the door waiting for him to answer I knocked again finally he answered.  "Hey um Andrew mind if I come in?" I asked him he shrugged and said "Whatever come in I guess," he was still in a foul mood I don't know why. "How come we don't talk anymore?" I asked a bit annoyed that he hasn't been texting me or answering my calls. He shrugged again and replied with a cocky attitude "I don't know." walking to the fridge getting himself something to drink. "You don't know or you don't care?" I asked him again getting more annoyed but I could tell he was starting to get mad about the talk we were having. "I don't know okay! I'm done talking about this!" he snapped looking at me getting more frustrated. "Look I'm just freaking asking okay, are we still together or are we done.

Because I'm tired of these little mind games with you!" I snapped back at him he finally had enough and slapped me hard across my face and then pushed me down. "We're done now get the hell out of my house!" he snapped glaring at me. I got up walking out of the house I ran to the park crying so hard I couldn't believe what just happened. I collapsed in one of the swings crying really hard as it started to pour down rain. I felt someone wrap a jacket around me I jumped a bit looking up I saw a guy wearing all black looking at me. "Are you okay?" he asked looking at me concerned I looked back down shaking my head no "I-i don't really want to talk about it right now." I replied he helped me up "Well why don't we you get out of this rain and get you warmed up okay." he replied smiling at me I nodded and followed him. "By the way what's your name?" he asked looking at me opening the passenger door to his car "Alexandria um rose." I said shivering a bit. He helped me in the car then got in on the other side turning on the heat. "Beautiful name I'm Ricky Horror." he replied taking my hand and kissing the top of it. "So um where we going?" I asked looking at him blushing a bit. He smiled at me "How about my house? My mom probably has some clothes that will fit you that you can change into."

I nodded and looked out the window as he  started the car up and pulling out of the park to go to his house. He pulled in the driveway putting the car in park then shut it off. He got out and opened the passenger door for me "We're here," he said helping me out leading me into the house. "Hey mom I'm home," he yelled as he hung his jacket up. "You want anything?" he asked as he took his shoes off too I shook my head no and did the same. He took me to his room he had a lot of cool things he had several guitars sitting in the corner, a bed with a black comforter with a jack skellington blanket on top. While he had some framed rock posters on his wall. I smiled looking around at his room I didn't even know he disappeared. He came back and presented me with some clothes. "Hopefully they will fit," he said handing them to me then left the room for me to change. I picked up one shirt and it had black Sabbath on it I smiled and took my wet shirt off and putting it on, along with black jeans that fitted perfectly.  As I was done I tapped on the door and he walked back in taking my clothes "I'll have them dried for you," he said walking back out of the room as I sat on his bed waiting. He came back in sitting next to me wrapping the jack skellington blanket around me and hugging me trying to get me warm.

I blushed as I was close to him. He smiled holding me close to him I smiled laying my head against his chest then closed my eyes. Apparently I fell asleep because I felt Ricky shaking me a little waking me up. "Hey Alexandria wake up," I looked up at him tiredly stretching a bit. "How long was I asleep?" I asked he chuckled a bit "About half hour, hey would you like to stay for dinner? he asked me sitting next to me on the bed. "I couldn't intrude." I replied "Oh come on just for a bit." "Oh alright then " I sighed giving in I got up fixing my hair. He laughed and hugged me "Thank you," he said smiling at me. After dinner ricky drove me home we were standing on my porch "Hey  can I have your number." He asked me messing with his phone "Sure let me see your phone," I replied as he handed it to me when I put my number in there and handed it back to him. He kissed my cheek then said good night to me. I got in the house locking everything up crawling into my bed smiling then closed my eyes and went to sleep replaying the day over. When I woke up I looked at the clock on my phone it was 9:30 I rolled out of my bed and decided to take a shower. I grabbed my black jeans along with a avenged sevenfold shirt walking into the bathroom and turning the water on. I climbed out of the shower shutting the water off then started drying off when my mom knocked on the door saying  "Hey Alex someone's here to see you. You need to hurry up then." I sighed figuring it was my ex boyfriend nick when I finished getting dressed and walked out, I was surprised to see Ricky Horror standing in my room. 

 I walked over to him hugging him tight "What you doing here?" I asked him excited he was here as I was still hugging him. He laughed hugging me tightly "I wanted to come over and see if you wanted to hangout with me today. " he answered me not letting me go thinking to himself "Oh my god did she smelled good. I wonder what bodymist stuff she uses because it smells good." I looked up at him blushing as I saw his beautiful blue eyes "Sure I would love to hang out with you!" I replied smiling at him. He smiled back at me hugging me again "Hey um what did you spray on you?" he asked me curiously I blushed "It's um called Vampire Midnight." I replied to him smiling a bit still he returned another smile to me and said "You smell good," hugging me again I giggled laying my head against his chest. "So what we going to do today?" I asked pulling away from him. "How about a horror movie at my house then we can go out to eat." he said fixing his hoodie I nodded "Sounds good to me." I replied "Good how about I pick you up at 4, sound good?" He said looking at me I winked at him and said "It's a date." he laughed shaking his head "I'll come back later to get you then okay." he  said then kissed the top of my head and left closing my door. I squealed a little bit with excitement laying on my bed looking up at my ceiling smiling. 

I got up looking through my closet deciding on what to wear tonight. I decided to text my friend Kirstian asking her what I should wear she told me just wear casual clothing. I thanked her hanging up and just wore my outfit that I had on. 4 o'clock rolled around when there was a knock on the door I smiled opening it seeing Ricky Horror standing in the doorway "Hey you ready to go?" he asked smiling at me I nodded then told my parents I was leaving. We walked to his car as he opened the passenger door for me I smiled getting in as he closed it then got into the drivers seat starting the car then pulled out driving to his house.

Ricky opened his door but stopped before getting out "Wait here okay I'm going to grab something real quick okay." He said smiling looking at me then headed inside his house then come back out with something. I craned my head to see what it was he smirked hiding it in his hoodie as he got back in the car I pouted looking at him he just chuckled backing out of the driveway. We sat in the car for awhile with a moment of silences he parked the car at the park where I first ran into him I looked at him he looked back at me smiling getting out of the car walking around to my door opening it. He held out his hand as I took it smiling then he led me to a area where there was a pond and next to it was a blanket I smiled back at ricky hugging him tight. 

"Awwe ricky it's beautiful." He pulled me close to him cuddling me tightly "Remember when we first met here?" I smiled thinking about it "Yes I remember I was crying and you took me to your house." I said to him smiling replaying the moment. We talked to find things we had in common I laid next to him looking up at the sky with him I smiled laying my head on his chest as he started playing with my hair. Apparently I fell asleep because I felt someone shaking me awake gently I looked up to see Ricky smiling down at me. "Come on I'll take you home now okay." He put one of my arms around me picking me up then carried me back his car I laid against his shoulder going back to sleep he smiled down at me kissing the top of my head. He pulled into his driveway parking the car he woke up me up "Alex we're here." Ricky said smiling down at me I looked around and saw his house. "But this is your house, I thought you were taking me home." I asked looking at him the saw his smirk I shook my head playfully nudging him which made him laugh. We walked into his room watch Halloween I snuggled against Ricky as he held me close to him after the while the movie was over and he drove me home. He walked me up to my steps as I smiled hugging him tightly "Thank you Ricky I had so much fun." I replied smiling happily he returned the hug then lifted my chin up to me "I had fun too hey I might be busy tomorrow is that okay? The band is coming to my house to practice some songs we wrote." He said to me stroking my cheek with my thumb "Could I meet them?" I asked him looking into his eyes he nodded "If you like their really nice guys." He said to me I hugged him again which made him laugh as he held me. He quickly kissed my lips then left as I blushed brightly then headed inside to get some sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2015 ⏰

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