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Once you've lived in Yomrik long enough, you slowly start to understand the locals and what they whisper about when they think nobody's watching them. Listening in.

"Curse this place. Why can't they'all di-"

"Be quiet lad! Don't ye know they hav' ears everywhere, ye gunna' getcha' selv' killed boy."

Sometimes, if one was ignorant enough, the whispers turned into voices. If one was suicidal however, the whispers turned into screeches. Those were the people who would disappear, leaving only dust and specks of blood as a reminder of their previous lives. You shouldn't talk about them. I wouldn't even think about them.

But in the dead of night, you can hear their name being carried by the wind, licking at your ear. 


Commanded by the Emperor, created by the castles Magister. They say their blade is as sharp as their claws and their beauty as deadly as their power. They leave nothing behind, not villages, not cities, not even empires. A force to be reckoned with.

I shudder remembering the hundreds of souls massacred during our continents war- the Southern Empires collapse.

"We are one now." I whisper, chuckling darkly into the dead of night, my breath misting in the cold air.

Lowering the hood of my cloak to cover my face, I sneak out of the alley behind the tavern I was listening in to. Located at the heart of Novar, Yomrik's capitol, the streets surrounding the tavern were not created for a person of my status. 

After all, what kind of noble lady would I be if I stayed any longer. Shaking my head at my own morbid thoughts, I make my way towards the castle.



my music will seriously be all over the place.


(also if you're looking for some alpha sub Harry styles Zayne whatchacalled book then PLEASE leave now this aint it.)


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