1.meet for the first time

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The moment she uttered the closing line, the crowd in front of her broke into thunderous claps. People beamed at her from their seats while some eyed her with jealousy and doubt. It indeed was a big deal for nineteen-year-old Ira when she released her own research paper on one of the most ambiguous topics in her field and was summoned to speak at a renowned summit. Her mentors were already proud of their child-scientist and hoped for her to make the best out of her skills.

"You've done well, Ira. We are very proud of you." Her mentors say while accompanying her out of the main hall."I'm even more happy to have you as my mentors. Thank you for believing in me." She smiles.

They arrive in a wide corridor. People are talking to each other. There are small tables to the walls having little glasses of wine. No matter how thirsty she is, she would never reach for the said beverage. However, to her surprise, her mentors are dragging her in direction of one of the tables. There is a tall, blond man standing at the table, reclusive with a glass in his hand. He is looking around in a listless fashion till his eyes meet Ira's. Even though she is still quite a distance away from him, she can feel his overwhelming aura...she averts her eyes so as to not look the stranger in the eye but the tension prevails. Something feels off.

I must be imagining things.

"Greetings, Mr Frankenstein. We are glad to see you here." Ira's eldest mentor, Dr Baltimore, shakes the man's hand. A closer look clears all her doubts. Frankenstein Lee is the chairman of Ye Ran High, one of the most prestigious high schools in his country. A noted educationalist, he was often invited to scientific summits in hopes to feature some new technologies in his school.

"It's my pleasure." He returned the greeting. "Your research is quite interesting I must say, only few dare to travel the road less taken." They were researching the possibilities of harnessing nuclear and stellar energy and the introduction of the same in the society. Two of her colleagues were already sick due to being irradiated. It was a tricky choice but they had faith.

Rather a deadline.

"We are just doing all we can to contribute to the society", Ira's other mentor adds, smiling at Frankenstein. "Indeed, even your youngest associate is easily levelling with renowned ones," he says, looking at Ira. This time she looks straight at him. His blue eyes are admiring her, his expressions both proud and curious. He is elegant with his wavy shoulder-length hair and black suit. He smiles at her.
"Good job, miss..."
"Ira. You can call me Ira, sir" she announces politely.

"Well, Miss Ira. I am very pleased to have your acquaintance."

"The pleasure is mine, Mr Frankenstein."

Everyone is smiling, talking to one another, talking to him. However far he is though, his aura never fades.

After the luncheon, Frankenstein puts forward a fairly unusual proposal.
"Scout your students? As apprentice?", The mentor who asks this is confused and excited at the same time. The team had just been invited to supervise the students at Ye Ran High and select the best to aid them in their research. "I would be as proud as you are if even one of my students proves to be as capable as Miss Ira here," Frankenstein explains. "You may have interactions with students, hold seminars for them, and most importantly introduce them to your field. It would be good for them to witness a professional approach to what they are studying."

A chance to scout some of the most intelligent students in the world? How can they let this go? Young minds are most beneficial to innovative ideas. They can't let this go.

Although he doesn't show it, this plan is secretly helping him increasing his school's reputation after those... problematic incidents. And this would definitely be a great chance to get to know her.

Tryst With The Devil - Noblesse: FrankensteinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora