Hetalia Birthdays

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Tell me whos birthday yours is close to. Or better yet, share the same birthday? ;) Because I'm a creeper who by knowing this shall magically also know where you live and stalk you. 'Cause that's just how life goes.

(Me: Tino-chan! Three days apart!)

((And... My Dads birthday is the same as South Korea's... -.-")) 

Hetalia Birthdays in order of date:

Greece: February 3

The sovereign of Greece was confirmed in 1830.

Japan: February 11

National Foundation Day when the first Japanese Emperor was crowned in 660 BC.

Spain: February 12

Okay, so I'm not sure how to explain it since I don't completly understand it myself. But in 1934 Juntas de Ofensiva Nacional-Sindicalista (JONS), which was the National Council, decided to merge the movement with Falange. Some stuff happened that again, I'm not sure about, and then a Civil War broke out and I think the country as under the Falangism ideology for a while until Franco (Not sure who he was) died.

(I think JONS was a workers trade union) (Falange seemed to be the name of some Spanish political parties and movements dating from the 1930s. Their ideology was Falangism and seemed to be ossociated with Italian Facism.  If you don't know what Facism is, well, let's just say it was what Italy, Hungary and other Axis countries were using during World War II.) 

((Again, this entire thing confuses me so if you have any information please help me out!))

Lithuania: February 16

Act of Independence of Lithuania in 1918.

Estonia: February 24

Estonia Declaration of Independence in 1918. (National day)

Egypt: February 28

Egypt gained Independence from the United Kingdom in 1922. 

North and South Italy: March 17

The unification of Italy in 1861.

Cuba: May 20

Independence from Spain in 1902.

Sweden: June 6

Said to be the day modern Sweden started in 1983. (National day)

Hungary: June 8

Established duel monarchy of Austria-Hungary 1867 (Austro-Hungarian Compromise) (Their 'Marriage')

Iceland: June 17

When the Republic of Iceland was formed in 1944. This is Republic Day in Iceland. (They were held back from making this happen earlier due to World War II)

Seychelles: June 29

Received independence from Britain in 1976.

Canada: July 1

Three colonies in the British Empire united to form the country of Canada in 1867.

National Day.

America: July 4

United States Declaration of Independence. Independence from Britain in 1776.

Liechtenstein: July 12

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