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Grace POV

"Grace!" my mom yells.

I get up and walk to the kitchen already knowing what she wants.

"I know mom, I'm ready." I reply with a yawn.

"Good. You're father will be here in twenty mintutes." she says while digging through her purse.

Right now it was 10:10 pm and my family was getting ready to go to church.

Yup, we go to church at night sometimes. My father works at the church so we practically live there.

Knowing that I won't be able to fall back asleep, I try to kill time.

I see my brother, Adam, sitting on the couch wathcing Friends. Man I love that show.

I grab a bag of goldfish and start to eat them. Then I get an idea.

My brother picks up a glass of water and takes a sip from it. Before he sets it down on the table I throw a goldfish at it.

Dang I missed.

I stand about 3 feet behind the couch and try again. I throw goldfish after goldfish at the glass and none of them actually get in.

I reach into the bag of snacks and feel emptiness. That's when I realize I ran out of goldfish. I also look at the floor and realize I made a huge mess.

Then my little brother, David, decides to run into the living room in full speed, stepping on every goldfish on the floor,

Damn you David!

"Grace!" my mom yells for the 1,800th time today.

I follow her gaze which lands on the carpet.

"What is this mess? You're not a small child! Clean this up. NOW!" she gets louder every word.

I nod my head and do as she says. 1, because I always obey her. And 2, because it was technically all my fault.

Once I get the mess all swept I hear a honk come from outside.

"Kids! You're father's here. Let's go!" my mom says.

Adam turns off the tv along with the rest of the lights in the house. David grabs his gameboy and sketchpad to use during the service.

I remember the days when I didn't actually pay attention to anything at church.

I just take my phone, even though I won't be able to use it. But it feels good knowing I have one.

My dad honks again and we all hurry into the car.

Off to another night of midnight church.

Nico POV

"Nicholas, dear, could you pass me the Chateau Pomerol?" My mom asks.

"Um..sure but what's a Shitto Pomerol?" I ask obviously confused.

"It's pronounced 'sh-toh and it's my newest addition. Check in the cabinent" she explains.

My mom drinks so much wine, I wonder how she manages to never get drunk.

"Shitto Pomerol, Shitto pomerol..where are you?" I whisper to myself while looking in my mom's wine cabinent.

"Ah there you are big boy. Gotcha." I smile at my mini accomplishment and bring the wine to my mom.

"Your father is coming home on Wednesday so it's me and you til then." my mom half smiles even though I know she's upset.

My dad is on a 'business trip'. And he's been taking these 'business trips' quite often these days.

I know my mom thinks he's cheating, and I myself have some suspicions, but I'm trying hard not to believe them. After all, my parents have been married for about 18 years.

"Can I have some?" I ask my mom as I look at the whine bottle.

"Oh this? No. But you can go grab yourself some sparkling apple cider." she giggles.

I laugh in my head because my mom has no idea how much I drink already. I've had a lot more alchoholic drinks than her 'shitto'.

"I'm gonna go to bed early mom. Night." I yawn.

"Night darling, sleep well."

Off to another dreamless sleep.

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