The Birth of Old Gregg

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In 1647, Mongulous McMennifus, a 19 year old English lad, began a journey to find love, wherever it may be.

Mongulous had just been through a brutal breakup with the prostitute he had been dating. Apparently she wouldn't put out to her "Boy Toy", but everyone else was fair game.

Heartbroken, Mongulous decides it's time he moved on from his life of dating "Working Ladies", who, for some strange reason, wouldn't "Work Over-Time" for him. He collects all his belongings, and sets out to see what his destiny held for him. Little did he know what was to come.

While traveling through the forest, Mongulous decides to stop and crack open a fresh-creamy Baileys. After hours of tear filled, Baileys guzzling, Mongulous arises, seeing as now he as an overwhelming urge to urinate. Yet, being the drunken fool he was at the time, Mongulous decides not to use any trees, but instead, use the nearby lake.

While relieving himself in the lake, a drunken Mongulous finds himself thinking about his old girlfriend, and all the stories she had told him about the men she had been with each day. Suddenly finding himself particularly randy, Mongulous does things that young children shouldn't know about. The error of his ways would soon come back to haunt him.

The scent of his excrement was to tantalizing for one of the larger fish in the lake, who made it her personal goal to investigate the strange, new aroma. Yet, she gained more than a new love for whatever the scent was that she was swimming through, but also a small bump in her stomach.

Mongulous, absolutely knocked off his rocker, decides to set up camp in the forest, next to the lake. He found it was best if he waited there in order to clear his mind of his old life before he tries to begin a new one.

After 3 months of living of some berries and creamy Baileys, Mongulous decides it is time for him to leave. Yet, as he was gathering his things, he discovers a new addition to his expedition, a small baby human-fish hybrid, but not like a mermaid, more like a scaly human baby. His newly discovered son.

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