Julia and Jacque

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I wipe the tears streaming from my eyes as I run towards the airport through strong pours of rain. I can't believe the last thing Jacque and I did together was have an argument. I can't let him leave like that, I truly do love him.

"Jacque!" I yell as people stare at me as if I was a psycho.

I run all around the bright blue airport leaving a trail of water behind. My head is spinning. It's hard to breathe so I try to calm down. Instead I flashback to a few days ago:

Jacque and I are walking around school. This high school was the place where we first met, I guided him around until we fell in love. I turn to him and hug him.

Suddenly I remember several other moments like running through the beach, eating ice cream, kissing, and one special moment:

We're both laying under the sheet, only red/orange lights surround us. I lay my arm around him and sigh.

"I don't want you to go" I cry.

"Julia, I'll be back!" Jacque tries to calm me.

"But you'll forget about me! I know you will."

"How about, once you turn eighteen next year, you can visit France and see me for the summer."

"I want to live with you!"

"You know that's not possible Jules"

"But it is! I love Europe, more than America and it's McFat people!"

We both laugh.

"I'm serious, I love Europe... and I love you" I continue.

I stand up a little, he admires me. I do the same.

I stare at his beautiful brown long swirly hair, his brown eyes, his soft pale skin lit by the orange glow from the lights that surround us, his broad shoulders. I'd swim all the way to France just to see him one more time.

He leans towards me and touches my chin. I lean forward. We kiss, fireworks go off, the lights that cover us begin to explode, it was at this moment I knew I was truly in love with someone I couldn't be with.

I return out of my daydreaming. I look up and notice something familiar. I brush my blonde hair out of the way and notice JACQUE!

I run what feels like a million miles to him. He notices me, his face lights up.

He spins me around and kisses me for what feels like a thousand nights.

I continue to kiss his face until I reach his ear and whisper:

"Missed something?"

"I knew you would come"

"I wish I could go with you right now but I can't but I will see you again Jacque. Next summer."

"Damn nationality laws!" Jacque jokes.

He smiles. I let out a small chuckle. Then we both embrace each other one more time.

"Until then" he says.

"Until then"

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