Mephisto x Reader (Some Rin x Reader) The Green-Eyed Hero

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You had absolutely no idea where you were. In fact, there were so many questions going on in your mind, but one was more important than all the others: Where is home..? And it struck you immediately-you had no home. And even if you did, it was gone.


You’re an American otaku who picked up enough Japanese from anime to be able to carry out some form of casual communication. However, you never thought that you would actually be in Japan. But that was the only thing you knew about this place, that you were in Japan... You don’t even remember why you ran away, or why you crossed an ocean to come to this place.


But it hurt too much to think. For one, you’re starving. Living in a first world country kept you well fed and you always knew when your next meal was coming. You’ve never experienced what true starvation was like. On top of all that, your throat burned like there was an inferno inside it. You weren’t sure if it was infection or dehydration. You finalized it to be, indeed, dehydration due to the lightheadedness. Now that you know, your top priority ever since you arrived in Japan was food and water. You had no money and stealing would only add to your problems. You tried begging, but it didn’t work out as you’d hoped. Whenever you walked around in the streets and cities in your dirty clothes and a tornado of knots you call hair, people would either walk faster or roll up their car windows. However, one day you were lucky enough to meet a nice man who gave you 2000 (19.63 USD) yen. You couldn’t remember much of his features without triggering a migraine, but his eyes stuck out among all the others. They were droopy and tired but he looked awake, they were calm yet fierce, and above all, they were a radiant emerald green.


You wish to thank him, in whatever way you can, with what little money you have. You’ve asked around in every place you thought possible and you’re about ready to give up. You decided to ask one more building, a large monastery.


You knock on the hollow wood and wait for the door to open... You knock again, figuring you must be quiet and used your fists instead of your knuckles.


When the door did open, revealing a large man in a black robe, you were shy at first, “E-excuse me... but by any chance d-do you know a man with the most brilliant green eyes?” the man raised an eyebrow.


“You’re going to have to be more specific, ma’am.” you look to the ground and try to cry, but no tears come out. If he knew who you were talking about, he would immediately remember his beautiful eyes. You’ll never be able to repay that kind man, “Ma’am,” he starts, “Don’t cry, come inside. I’ll try to remember, and I’ll even ask my friends if they know. Does that sound good?” you nod but you know they won’t know your savior. No one does. You impulsively wipe away your tears but nothing was there. The man notices this, “You’re dehydrated, aren’t you?”


Inside, it seems that the whole family who owns the monastery was eating their dinner. An older man with glasses sat at the head, a teenage looking boy who also had glasses had a face riddled with beauty marks sat next to him, and three other priests sat on the other side. There was one empty chair on the other side of the two four-eyes. One lone chair was left next to the missing person.


“Everyone, we have a guest. Would you like to tell us your name, miss?” said the man who greeted you at the door.

Mephisto x Reader (Some Rin x Reader) The Green-Eyed HeroWhere stories live. Discover now