Death and all His Angels

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"You summoned me?" The demon questioned nonchalantly. The weak, pale figure nodded.

"I-I did. I'm dying and it's tearing my family apart. We're very poor you see and...." Richard Brook was barely able to choke out these words. The temptress standing in front of him made his voice quiver and his throat go dry. Rich knew he shouldn't be making this deal but it was the only way to keep his family from falling apart.

"I know. I can help you. Ten years for you to live a healthy life and save your family and then I come to collect. Oh you'll be a hit in Hell." The red-haired demon smirked around her words.

"See you in ten years," the monster teased, sealing their deal.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ten Years Later~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Richard Brook woke with a start, realising what the date was. Ten years ago that day he sold his soul in order to restore his health and now the demon would come to collect. His day progressed normally enough. He helped his family with the chores around around the farm, he helped his mother prepare dinner, he ate one last meal with his family. Rich was trying to commit every facet of his daily life to memory, he'd heard all of the terrible stories about where he was headed and he knew that somehow the thought of his family would get him through. Through what though? Questions like this flashed and whirled in Rich's mind until he reached the crossroad where he summoned the demon ten years before.

"Hello sweetie," the demon cooed from behind him. Rich nearly leapt out of skin at the silky sound of that dreadfully familiar voice. He shuddered with every breath and shivered at every word.

"I-I'm here. Can we get this over with?" The terrified man pleaded. He wanted to die quickly while he was able to hold himself together, somewhat.

"Oh sweetie there's no rush. I actually need to ask you another favour and I don't think you're in a position to refuse," the she-devil explained, "Our 'king' has decided that he is no longer fit to rule, thankfully, and we need someone to take over. Do you see what I'm getting at?" A slightly annoyed expression ghosted across her face as she waited for Rich's response. The now-mortified Rich shook his head vigorously.

"No. There is absolutely no way I'm becoming the king of that place." Rich abhorred the idea of being a ruler of any kind, let alone the king of such a dreadful place as Hell.

"You will have power that knows no limits. No morals to stop you from doing what you need to get to the top. Believe me, becoming the King of Hell will not be an easy feat and you will have to become ruthless to convince all of demon-kind that you are a capable leader," the red-haired monster assured.

The idea of having so much power was tempting. Rich couldn't help but consider taking the demon's offer even though he had been told the demons lie constantly. He had never been well-liked or powerful but he had always considered himself virtuous. Still the lure of so much power was enough to convince him.

"You make promises of power but how do I know that you're not lying through your teeth?" Rich questioned, wary of the bargain he was about to make. At this demand the demon smirked and a low chuckle bubbled from her throat.

"You don't. That's the fun in all this. At least it's fun for me. I like seeing you squirm," she hissed through her teeth. Rich flinched at her words. He was already going to hell,Mao it's not like he had anything to lose. The knot in his stomach loosened slightly as he swallowed his fear and nodded his head.

"I accept. I know it won't be easy but I have nothing to lose at this point," as the words rolled off Richard Brook's tongue he felt the icy clench of fear around him loosen and dissipate. He was no longer scared, he accepted his fate knowing how much power was in store. That's the thing about humans, take away their morals, their motivation to do good, and they will take any amount of power they can get. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, no matter how sadistic or twisted the means.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2014 ⏰

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