My Best Friend

354 3 0

Started May 20, 2010 - FInished August 16, 2010

I want this to be the best poem yet.

I see you walking down the street

And don't imagine what we'll be.

The first time you sleep at my house,

I have my neighbor sneak inside.

I have no idea that you'll be

The one to never leave my side.

So we change from friends to best friends

Since my twin brother closes off.

We spend all our time together

Talking, Laughing, Eating, Walking.

We walk around during the night

Because we don't want to go home.

We can spend two hours at Dunks

And use the few dollars we have.

You sleep over on the weekends

And we have the time of our lives.

Your fluff and sprinkles sandwiches

And my Lipton soup with elbows

Are eaten on those weekend nights.

During those early morning snacks,

We go on Facebook or just talk.

And when we get tired enough,

We have our deep talk and then sleep.

One weekend our sleepover changes.

We are talking about kissing,

And you say that you are clueless.

I say that you just need practice,

And you ask if you could kiss me.

I had been wanting to kiss you,

So I say yes, "strictly for practice."

We sit upstairs on the red couch.

I tell you that whether or not

We kiss, it's already awkward,

So we might as well just do it.

Our first kiss is a simple peck.

"We broke one barrier", you say.

"You up for breaking another?"

I ask and lean in to kiss you.

You have such passionate kisses

And as I kiss you, I smile.

Nothing has ever felt as right

As us two lying on my couch

Kissing, with my hands on your face

And your arms holding me tightly.

You don't believe that I like you.

You say that you have liked me since

The second time you slept over,

Which was about two years ago.

You wonder why I like you back;

I tell you everything I feel.

You say that I'm too good for you.

You tell me I'm out of your league.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2010 ⏰

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