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" Mommy! Mommy! Can I go out and play?"

"Of course sweetheart. Just don't go too far."

"I won't."

She went into the woods in the backyard of her house excitedly.

She knew these woods well. There was the river, the clearing, and her favorite spot the big rock. But today was different. Today there was a book propped up against the rock.

She just learned how to read. So she picked up the book and tried to read the title.


She didn't know what that meant. She began reading the book aloud.

"I call upon you
O Satan
Send your demons forth
End this world
So it can start anew
Take me as a sacrifice
With my flesh and blood
You will build your new kingdom
I give you my life
With it you will make your demons
Send them forth unto this wretched world
You will build your new kingdom here and now
You will take me
And make me part of your new kingdom
I give my life
So you will live on
In a different world
Take me now!!!"

And with that the very ground beneath her feet began to shake. A crack starts to form as she is frozen in fear. Through the crack Aboddon one of Satan's minions rises from the fiery pits of hell.

"Tell me child, what is your name?"

"M-m-my name is Whatzer. Whatzer Nutza."

"Well W-W-Whatzer Nutza" he said mockingly. "I thank you."

As he finishes this sentence he grabs her ankles and drags her into the depths along with him. All you hear before they disappear is a piercing scream and a deep booming laughter.

All over the world the ground begins to shake and cracks begin to form.

From these cracks arise demons.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 07, 2018 ⏰

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