The Game ( Seduce me Matthew x reader)

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Life was pretty good. It had been a little over a year since I had met the incubi boys. Just over 1 year since me and Matthew became a couple and my days became full of such bliss. We'd play video games and cuddle while watching movies on our days off together. I couldn't have been happier... or so I thought

That morning I woke and reached over to cuddle closer to my adorable incubus only to find my hand falling through empty air.

"Huh?" I thought as I leaned up to look for Matthew. He wasn't there, but on his pillow sat Simon holding a note in his tiny paw. "H-He let Simon handle giving me a message?"

I leaned back onto my pillow. "I must be dreaming-whelp time to go back to sleep." I said as I snuggled back under the covers convinced that I had to be dreaming it all. The little doll apparently didn't like that idea as he started squeaking and poking my nose with his toy knife, demanding my attention. "Ouch...All right Simon I'm up I'm up." I said defeated as I sat up in the bed. The tiny toy demon immediately hopped itself onto my lap and allowed me to pet him softly, letting a tiny purr out. With a smile I took the note from him and began to read it.

"Hey Beautiful...," it was definitely Matthew's handwriting and it made me smile to see this. "I'm really sorry, I couldn't have been with you this morning. Trust me I really really really wanted to." I could almost see him pleading with himself as he was writing this out and chuckled slightly. "But I had to run some errands, in the meantime though I've set up a little game for you. It's a bit of a scavenger hunt, but you are so friggin smart that I know you'll whiz through it in no time. Here's your clue to the first direction. Gaze at the spot where we first became 'one.' I'll be waiting to meet you at the end of the game. Good luck."

He could be so sweet and silly sometimes. I looked back at our pillows and felt my face flush red at the memory of that night, but I quickly shook it off as I lifted Matthew's pillow to find an envelope. I pulled out a note to have a photo fall out. "Huh?" I thought as I picked up the image. "When did he-?" The photo was a picture of him and me holding hands. It was adorable, but I really did wonder when he took this. In the corner of the picture was the number 3 written in a blue sharpie. I chuckled. Matthew and his puzzles. I loved that demon. As I smiled I opened up the note for the next clue and read.

"Awesome! I knew you could do it babe!" I could practically feel his goofy grin on my back as I read that. I swerved my head around and decided I must have been imagining things. Back to the clue. "Now your journey takes you back to where our story began."

"Where our story began?" What could he mean by, and then the answer smacked me in the face. The lobby! It was were we first met so technically it was where our story began. With excitement of possibly solving the next clue I leapt outta bed, accidently sent Simon flying with a squeak of panic as he flopped to the ground. "O-oh I'm sorry Simon," I said as I tried to reconcile with my pet. He huffed an exasperated squeak of annoyance before turning tail and scampering off to one of his many hiding places.

I smiled as he ran out, and headed towards the closet to get dressed. I couldn't run around in my pjs all day now could I? I opened the door to find a gift wrapped in blue paper fall to my feet making me jump back from the surprise. As I blinked and realized what it was I laughed at how silly I must have looked. I picked up the package and read the note. "Consider this a bonus prize in the game." I smiled as I opened the package to find a gorgeous royal blue halter top dress with a single peacock feather draped across the chest in the design. I was stunned to find such a treasure. Without hesitation I threw off my bedtime clothes and slipped the dress on having it fall just beneath my knees.

After taming my wild bedhead and finding a pair of black boots in the bottom of the closet I looked at myself in the mirror, surprised at my reflection. "Wow.." I was stunned at my appearance. I felt like a princess in a fairy tale that I did a twirl outta delight and giggled like I was 5 years old again. Mentally smacking myself I reminded myself that I still had a game to play and I planned on winning it. So I walked over to grab my bag and slip the photo inside, not wanting to risk Simon wondering off with it in revenge for the unscheduled morning "flight."

The Game (Seduce me Otome Matthew x reader)Where stories live. Discover now