Different Shades of Geek

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Band Geeks-

These geeks CANNOT STOP TALKING ABOUT MUSIC. Whether they play an instrument, have gone to every local One Direction concert, or retweet every single one of Ariana Grande's tweets, these geeks are music oriented. You like Lana Del Ray? They have every single album, single, and ringtone all stuffed into their iPhone.

Sci-Fi Geeks-

LIVE LONG AND PROSPER, OBI WON KANOBI. These geeks are probably the rarest and most hardcore. They avoid the color red, they have to practice their Darth Vader impression in the mirror to make themselves feel calm, and they hold up a Vulcan sign in every picture. Even in Great Aunt Betty's funeral pictures!

Kawaii geeks-

This is the geekdom that I am categorized in. We only watch anime and Korean drama, we pride ourselves in raiding Japanese bookstores, and our manga drawing? We practice it every day! Instead of saying "Cute!" We say "Kawaii!"

OTP geeks-

These geeks are fascinated in one thing and one thing only. Whether it be Benedict Cumberbatch or Harry Styles, they always have to check their Facebook statuses every two minutes. They definitely have their weddings planned out.

Gamer geeks-

Whether it be Bioshock Infinite or Sims 3, these geeks love video games. They can't put the controller down until they get to level 27!

Bookworm geeks-

These geeks are so immersed in books! Classical books, Sci-Fi books, romance novels from the drugstore, you name it! Books are their drugs.

Art geeks-

Art geeks just love art. You can usually find them drawing. All the time.

So there you have it! Did any of these categories fit the description of you? Any that screamed "Recognize me?"

Up next, geek chic!

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