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Long ago in the ancient world of Mulima, the daughter of the High Elf, known as Likua, ventured out on a quest. All this took place shortly after The Great Devouring, the war of the races. But now, in the peace, Likua doesn't rest. She has heard the rumors of the greatest of powers, the power that has been hidden away in the Forbidden Kingdom for as long as can be remembered. And now, she wants it. She's always been given what she wants, being born from royalty has made her greedy, selfish. So when her father refuses to send warriors to retrieve her spell, she became filled with rage and spite.

She left the kingdom of the elves at the dead of night, scouring the land for the spell. When she finally reached the Forbidden Kingdom, she saw what she'd come for. She destroyed everything in her path, just to reach the power. But when her hands lay upon the great Crystal of Transformation, she screeched with deafening pain. And when the pain that shredded her body subsided, she was the first of the Likua Griffins. 

She launched into flight, inexperienced and frightened, and was never seen again. But over time, the species expanded in numbers, until they filled the forests and wilds of Mulima. And now, the people of Mulima have had enough of the griffins. And so started the Great Griffin Hunt, but that was thousands of years ago. The hunt still continues to this very day, but the griffins are still living, they are still strong.

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