A Zim Possession

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Zim climbs on top of MK's dresser taking heaves of annoyance, "Move over Gir! You cannot hog this shelf This is one of my ruling spots!"

Gir makes a squeaky sound and falls off trampling out of the room.

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MK's eyes blister with redness from clipping off a bad dead skin cell and pauses with heat stricken sensations in her finger tips. 

"Eh?" MK lowered her look to Zim.

"Come're Mk" Zim gripping his head with hesitation and insanity.

"Come're Mk" Zim gripping his head with hesitation and insanity

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MK thought.

MK furrowed her eyebrows in despise and wondered to slowly walk towards Zim.

Zim lied an Irken hand on her shoulder and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

MK squinted an eye, "Hmm I dunno."

Zim slapped his rubber glove to his forehead and puffed in disembark.

"My insane Irken child woman...MK...whatyah-what do you want? This Earth, my earth, how about both earths?!"

"I want you?" MK scratched her head.

She likes to drive Zim into his own insanity level..bring him down to her own feelings and have him listen to her for once out of all the shit he pulls. 

Zim's expression reddens.

MK got too confused and marched back over to her bed.

Times up Zim..one minute and two seconds of fuck up right there.

"You foiled the love Zim! You fucking invader! You! You!" Zim taunted off into his head.

"Oh you MK... get back over here this instant Irken woman!" Zim pointed his finger down towards his feet and his tongue sprung out in anguish.

'MK is not a fool' she thought.

MK's mom brung her bowl of icecream, her slithery sly mouth licking the spoon and Zim could feel shatters between his Irken pupils in such infuriating oddity.
MK switching her black socked feet in the covers.

"So that's it? You're gonna amuse your mighty alien by taking over the world by sitting on your bum?!?"'

"So that's it? You're gonna amuse your mighty alien by taking over the world by sitting on your bum?!?"'

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Zim let out a disturbing shriek of bother.

Zim banged his fists and feet on the dresser like a worthless human baby, "Oh why has it come to this? Every plan I do configure to take over this world and my MK deplores her own alien man!"

"You relax too much! " Zim demised.

MK annoyingly caders to her alien, "This is nothing! I can assure you my green bean irk that I have not failed you for you've taught me the ways of destruction.

You have to think Zim...my parents up my ass and school....work plus your work doesn't make it any easier..it just gives me more authority to hold onto myself and stay true to my dues each and every damn day," MK immersed. 

"My parents love me (because I designed and forced them to) and follow my every order," Zim said pleasingly.
'Well sometimes my mom will do something I tell her and then she'll come back with shit and even more shit that isn't of my interest so I have to force her out," MK says sucking in a breath.

That moment when ever Nessa is here and her mom and dad always go, "Freddy's not real..Zim's not real! You two need to separate."
MK: "I was being moved a couple inches away from my sister in our own car that one day we went out Zim!

I can't handle that! That  was totally not wicked and made the air more suppressing...I was reaching out for her..my dark gloved hand and  she was looking out her window and I wanted to know if she was thinking of more scenarios, her Freddy spinning in her head."

MK gets tied up in the likes of her sister's presence, it helps to keep her thinking and love her Zim by her advice.

"You're always invested in what that Nessa is doing instead of us," Zim said.
'True," MK winced.

Zim blinked, "Nice?"
MK  grabbed Zim to put him on her bed.

"Woooahhh ahhhhh!" Zim wailed as he was slung onto the bed.

The scene in MK's room got very dark and she slipped on Zim's theme song with her Tv remote.

Zim settled beside her and say with his legs to his chest looking at his MK.

They laughed manically in the distance.

How many dooms does it take to get to the center for the destruction of this Earth?" MK wondered.


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