A Day in the Life

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Dallon was driving home one day in December 8, he was coming home from work.

He fastened his seatbelt and turned on the radio. Dallon surfed the radiowaves until he landed on a particular station that was playing A Day in the Life by The Beatles.

Satisfied, he left it there as he hum quietly to the beginning of the song.

Dallon stopped his car as he saw a red light, and continued to hum along until the light turned green.

Dallon drove the car until he was striked from the side from another truck, killed instantly.Dallon was bleeding from his head, suffered an unstable head wound and a broken neck.

The car was destroyed and the radio immediately shot off. People turned their heads at the crash.

Two other cars were crashed yet the other two people survived with minor  complications unlike Dallon who dies at impact.

People instantly called for help, as the ambulance came and tried to get Dallon off the car, the radio switched on after being off.

The song was glitchy at first but was overcome by the clear words of the Sgt Peppers classic melancholy song.

~He blew his mind out in a car
He didn't notice that the lights had changed
A crowd of people stood and stared
They'd seen his face before
Nobody was really sure if he was from the house of lords ~

People gave sad melancholy looks at the completely crushed car, the radio began to turn off and on from time to time making small snippets of the song very clear making people a bit sick.

As the ambulance arrived they we're sad by the state Dallon was in, his neck completely broken. His face crushed and horribly bloodied by fresh and old blood. The sight was a blood curling one, making it a tragic day for New York.


Ryan Seaman burst into tears after being given the news, he had heard that someone got in a disaster of a crash yet never taught Dallon would of been affected. Ryan dropped to his knees and let out a loud sob at the lost of his boyfriend.

His best friend.



How will he ever recover?


Darkness is all I see first.
It is odd?
What's happening??
It feels like a weird limbo.
Is this a symbol?
For a new beginning or a something?

My head is throbbing and feels like a migraine. I then feel like I'm falling, falling from somewhere high. Like a tall building.

H e l p M e~

I wake up in a jolt moving upward, shock going thru my body, I feel dread fill me up.

Where am I?

Hmm.... It does look canopy?

I runs my right hand thru my hair which I noticed grew longer and a shade different. What? Deal with it later. I noticed I have a bottle of pills of my left hand. Peculiar? Also a note on my stomach, please inform me later about this, I'm too busy trying to figure out where am I!

As I move more upward my senses come back to me, in the background I  hears a distorted and melodramatic song playing. After a while I realized it's A Day in the Life by The Beatles.....wait..

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