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Her seamless silhouette slowly sinks to the carpets.

Silently, her lips part and slip out a soft breath.

Her slim, polished fingers trace over the shape of her collar bones.

Entrancing jewelled eyes peer into mine and touch me somewhere I never knew of.

The sound of her breath escaping her perfectly plump lips pour into my ears like music.

Her symphony was beautiful.

A long golden strand of hair falls down to the side of her sculpted jaw.

She smiles.

I smile.

The faint freckles on her face flick up with roses that grow in her cheeks.

She lays down, and her shirt rises up.

She reveals stretch marks on her exposed skin, like a tiger with beautiful stripes.

With a heart full of compassion, I accept the fact that she can never love me as I love her.

It would be impossible.

I crawl up next to her slowly cooling corpse as ice starts filling in her slim, polished fingers.

Her collar bones protrude through her pale, plaster skin.

Eyelids close and perfect lips become parched.

Like a rose, her beauty was temporary and thus was her life.

Each beautiful petal that made her who she was.. was slowly fading and falling. And now she was just a frail stem.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2014 ⏰

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