Chapter Seven: Not Like Hotdogs

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Chapter Seven

Asher’s POV

            I flip through the channels on television in search of something to occupy my attention. My room is silent. No one is here. No one. It’s as if no one cares. As if no one is here for me. No one loves me. I am alone. I pushed everyone away. I burned to many bridges. Any girl I was with never lasted long enough for them to give a crap about me. My friends I don’t know where they are or why they are not here.

            A knock at the door causes my attention to advert to a blonde haired nurse. She is carrying a fold piece of paper and brings it over to me, holding it out.

            “For you Mr. Gray,” she says and I take it from her.

            “Thank you,” I reply and she nods walking away, out of the room.

            Staring at the folded notebook paper before me I scrunch up my face. Gently I unfold it. And my eyes fall onto neatly written words.

            Dear Asher,

                   I know you don’t expect me to forgive you, however I’d really like too. I may not today, probably not even tomorrow but maybe in time. After sometime I will forgive. After I get to know you I will be able to forgive you. Can we get to know each other?

          I know that I want to be able to forgive you. There are people in this world who are capable of forgiveness. Take for example the women whose daughter was shot by a student. She forgave him for killing her daughter because she knew it was an accident. If a mother can forgive her daughter’s killer then I can forgive you.

          After all, I was not the only one in the crash. I am not the only one who lost something. We both did. No one else will understand. I am not saying we are going to be best friends right away. It will take a while and maybe we will become friends and I can forgive you. All I know is I think you could use a friend. If you need one I am here. You can write to me or something. We can help each other through our loses. If you want, I will try not to hate you too much. My hate is not steaming from the accident; I disliked you long before that. However, I offer to you a chance and opportunity to change and make amends and a friend.

          If you decide to you can text me here, (304)541-3362.



          I stare at the piece of paper in shock. She’s willing to forgive me… She’s offering to be here for me… What the hell? This shit is crazy!

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