Wings on a precious angel

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  • Dedicated to My Baby Brother

This is for my little brother. No negative comments please. It took a lot for me to write this and many tears where spilt while doing so. I refer to life as a dash, this is a refernce to an amzing poem titled, "How do you live your dash?" I heard it at a loved ones funeral. It is truly beautiful and i recommend you google it. It's inspirational and makes you think about what your doing with your life.

So my little brother, how big you would be!! You would be running around and probably laughing at me!! How sad these days are without you.

You where here and gone in only one short day, and the only thing we get to do for you now is pray. Even though you're not here with us in the flesh, i know you're guarding us.

Sometimes i just think about how unfairly short your time here was. You never got to run, walk or ever get a job, you never got to see your reflection or try to touch the sky.

Your visit blessed us and that's why we cry. You never got to live a full dash but the small one you got, was filled with love and now we just wish we could give you a hug.

When i was younger than i am now i wrote a poem for you, nothing rhymed but the words on paper meant a lot to me and in it i said i hope your happy by stating, "I hope you're having a big party in heaven, something you never got to experience here." The words were spelt incorrect but even now they make me smile. Something that at such a younger age was a big thing to me, you never got to have a party. I suppose it sounds like a weird thing to say but it was my way of saying i hope you're happy. 

It's unfair that your life was short but your dash was meaningful and that's the only thing about it all that doesn't hurt. Your life was not spent incorrectly, yet you were still taken away. It just shows you were so perfect you could no longer stay.

We will always love you and hope your happy where you are.

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