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  I can't remeber the last time I spoke to my mother, but it's always the same ole shit so I figure 'Why bother'?

  "Are you clean yet baby?" "You don't have to do it alone, come with with me to church, let God be your guide he can take away the hurt."

   I feel like I'm alone, like nobody understands. 'Cause when I get it in my system not even gravity can hold me and for days I go missing.

   When I come off my high I don't float, I crash... crash and burn to be exact. I mean, how could you not roll one after some shit like that?

   It's like having an out-of-body experienece, you think it's too good to be true yet there you are witnessing it. Witnessing yourself experience pure bliss.... and he makes me feel like this with just one kiss.

  I've tried to wean myself off of him time after time but it's hard since he controls not only my body, but also my mind.

  Everytime my phone rings I know he's on the other end with a sick smug expression. Knowing he has me in the palm of his hand and wrapped around his finger. Knowing that even if I leave memories of us will linger, leaving me yearning and longing for one more hit, one more night, one more kiss.... and that one is all he needs to have me back.... addicted.

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