One ~ Policy

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It seethes Fire, giving off a heat that forces sweat visible among the men's brow

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It seethes Fire, giving off a heat that forces sweat visible among the men's brow. Fourteen men, all with extreme caution attending the new transfer. All of them are clothed in gloves as thick as dragon hide.

"Oi, ease!" The head leader shouts over the roar. "Let her calm!"

The men loosen their grips to allow slack on the ropes.

One of the men jump in front of the creature, a daring move, evident in his heart rate. He knows immediate death can occur without reason. But he trusts her. More than any other man on the crew. Unlike them he sees a living animal, not just the beast.

His hand is outstretched, eyes locked on the reflection of his firery red hair dead center in the pupil of her eyes.

Her nostrils flare with every heavy exhale that sounds like a blow from a foghorn released from the depths of her bellie. The breathes become slower, and softer, not disrupted by the bare hand centimeters away from her nose. He presses his hand gently amongst the scales of her snout, the giant lets out a peaceful rumble before falling to the ground. "Good girl!" The crew member praises before throwing a piece of meat in front of the beauty.

"All men dismissed, except you Weasley."  The lead crew orders, known by the name Flyer.  

Charlie Weasley, second son of six to Molly and Arthur Weasley crossed his arms waiting for his scolding.  He tried to bite back his smirk, for no one was intimidating after growing up under his mother's eye.    "You wanted me sir?"

"Weasley, for the millionth time don't jump in front of the dragons. It's not according to policy." 

"Well the day Jimmy went up in flames, come to think of it, everyone was following policy."

Flyer gave a knowing look, half of disapproval, and the other half a mask of Indifference hiding the grief when an accident was mentioned.  "Tell me, do you have a death wish?" 

"Well I signed up to work with the fiercest dragons on the planet, it's hard to believe death isn't already waiting at dawn for me." He coughed, adding a "sir." Intentionally. 

"I like you kid, just follow policy next time." 

"Aye aye." Charlie said raising his hand to his forehead, as Flyer moved towards the sanctuary. 

"You'll put away the beast?!"  He called over his shoulder. 

"As always."

"That's what I like to hear." 

Charlie walked over to the dragon grabbing the reigns. She gave out a roar, not threatening, but nonetheless powerful.  "I'm cranky too, best get you to your pen for the night." 

And as if the dragon understood, she trudged along behind him.

The sun had already set as he headed into the nearest village.  Half the shops were closed down, and the ones open were the dodgy pubs that always contained a customer. 

Mission Dragon (Charlie Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now