Breaking The Law

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For normal teenage boys they think about their first kiss, or a girl who’s been on their thoughts or how they themselves look. Maybe even getting good enough grades to keep their parents happy or having as many friends as possible or who they’ll take to the next dance. But these are for normal boys. And as young as James Quinn could remember he’d always been different from the other kids, even those in his orphanage.

He always believed in different things, had different morals of what was right or wrong, bad or good. To him lines like that just blurred together. For him that is, though if someone had done any sort of wrong against him, scaring them in order to fear him felt good. Hurting them was even better, to feel that kind of power over a person. Power. That’s what he loved, what he’s always wanted even as a child.

Now he’s fourteen and does whatever he can without getting caught. Fear from other’s is almost like a drug to him, something he must always have. For this reason he doesn’t have many friends, which is fine to him, to others it makes him a challenge. Someone they want to change, to befriend and understand. Meaning in his High School it doesn’t just make him feared it makes him popular, someone in control. He always wanted that kind of power. To just make people do as he says without question. James Quinn is a demon no one can resist. At High School they do what he wants, when he wants.

However High School is no longer his ambition. The world is. He wants complete control, power, superiority over everyone else. Trouble is, the world is ending and fast, so in order for him to gain his dreams he must try to keep the world alive so he can keep what’s his.

Though a few bumps along the way may just change his view on things. Like maybe how Miss Aquila Night is the one person James can’t charm, who seems to be his equal in every way, his balance of her light to his darkness. But can he convince her that they’re meant for each other, after all ruling the world would be lonely if you had no one to share it with…


Chapter 1: Shaking, Flickering and Shadows

James woke with a start. Now seeing as he rarely woke before seven but by the light from his curtains it was barely dawn, it meant something was wrong. He frowned angrily, why’d he wake? It was as if the world heard his thought and responded with a shake. A shake that rattled the walls around him and made something from outside his door to smash.

An earthquake? But that’s ridiculous, Britain doesn’t get earthquakes to this size. Feeling confused he made his way to his plain square window and yanked the curtains away. Staring out in the mad world he opened his window and listened. Car alarms rang through the mourning air, glass smashing to the ground sounded loudly coming from every direction, the noise of frantic neighbours pounded into his fragile ears. The roads were full of early risers, who had crashed into one another in their cars. Police, ambulances and fire trucks were spread all over the town as far as he could see.

To him this was a picture of beauty, a dream he had that one day to be the cause of panic and tragedy, but this wasn’t by him. This was by nature. He hadn’t asked nature to do this and for once in his life he could honestly say he didn’t do it. But he wanted to.

Shutting the window he turned and faced his calendars, something he’d been doing for the past few weeks, simply because he’d saw the signs of something big about to happen. The way a rabbit hopped away too fast. The way the birds had stopped singing way too early. The way the cats were purposely jumping up trees. The way there was certain bouts of rainfall. The way the wind was a little too rough. The way sunset came far to quickly. The way the sun was almost orange in the sky. The way he felt the sudden spurts of heat.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2013 ⏰

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