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Shima x Reader

“Class, we have a new student today.” The young sensei motioned to you. You were spaced out picking your teeth with your pocket knife. Noticing that everyone was staring at you, you quickly shoved your knife behind your back and smiled and waved at your new class. “Yo!”

“This is (Surname) (Name). She's actually from your hometown, Suguro, Miwa, and Shima.” He pointed to the group of boys that he was naming for you to see. In doing so, you noticed a shiny gold watch on his wrist that seemed to be calling your name. “(Surname) is a brilliant student,” Yukio Sensei pointed to his head, and your eyes stayed locked with his watch. “She's here on a full scholarship. So, I expect you all to respect her.” He finished.

“Thank you, Yukio Sensei.” You bowed to him, always keeping the sensei's shiny jewelry in your peripheral vision. You turned to the class full of snarky, rich pricks. “I'm glad to--” A dark-purple haired girl stood up and interrupted you. “Excuse me, Sensei, but how is it possible that she got a scholarship when the school year has already started?” She inquired skeptically, chalk full of attitude.

“Principal Pheles sets scholarship requirements.” Yukio defended you nonchalantly. You stuck your tongue out at the condescending girl and crossed your eyes.

“Ugh!” She narrowed her red eyes at you and clenched her fists at her sides, all while getting crimson in the face. “How did she get a scholarship?” The aggravated girl demanded angrily.

“Izumo! That's enough.” Sensei barked at the girl and she sat down slowly, staring daggers at you the entire time. You only smiled back. The ignorant rich have such short fuses.

“I'm glad to be your classmate and comrade.” You bowed to the class and smiled artificially. I can't believe I'm doing this. But, this is the easiest way to get through...

You looked for a seat, one by preferably the least snobby rich person. Eyes scanning the room, you could spot only two empty seats. One next to that Izumo b*tch, and another next to some stuck up looking boy. That stuck up boy... You started to remember slowly, Why does he look so familiar?

“(Name)-chan, you need this food more than we do!” Suguro, the Cursed Temple's Head Priest, exclaimed as you pushed bundles of food at him on his doorstep. “No, Head Priest, I have plenty!” You gestured to all of the extent of your bundles, held in your small, nine year old arms, and carried on your tiny back. “Come on! You need to feed the boys!”You gave a wide, reassuring grin, and added “Don't worry, Head Priest. I won't tell Ryuji.” While the Head Priest had never asked you to not tell his son that you stole food and gave it to the temple, you could tell that for whatever reason he didn't want Ryuji to know. “I don't ask you to lie, (Name)-chan. If gotten through your own honest work, I will accept this food.” He finally gave in, and you laughed. “Of course!” It took a lot of honest work to steal enough food to feed so many people!

“Ryuji!” You gasped quietly. “Excuse me?” Yukio asked politely, but you just smiled and said “Oh! Nothing, sorry.” I can't sit by Suguro. I can't break my unspoken promise to the Head Priest. “Hey girl!” You sung while sitting down next to the purple haired girl, who obviously hated you already. You chuckled and tried a smile. She glared down on you from her upturned nose, then turned to face the teacher.

Bad start, eh?

Shima's POV

Light green hair, emerald eyes, tattered clothing and a playful smile? It couldn't be anyone else. “(Name).” When you were around eight years old, (Surname) (Name) first came to the temple.

Thief's Charity / Shima Renzou x Reader / (Ao no Exorcist)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα