The Lesser Infinities

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: : Prologue

"I'm a hopeless romantic." I sighed, as I dragged the unconcious man into my living room. Pushing him onto the couch, I sat opposite to him, with my head in my hands. "What have I done."  I said, shaking my head. 

The memories of the night were as clear as day, as I ran through them trying to find an explanation for why I had an unconcious man, laying in the middle of my living room. 

"You're fired!" The words rang clearly, as if they were a message being played over and over in my reciever. "Now if you'll kindly do me a favor, and leave this building, I think the rest of us can get back to work." 

I had lost my job. How was I going to get the money to pay the rent? To pay the bills? To manage my supply of food? 

I stumbled all the way home, trying to fight back the tears that were pushing their way out. "Maybe they were right." I said softly, as I put my key into the lock, struggling to open the door. 

"Maybe who was right?" A voice said cheerfully. I spun around. "Who-Who are you?"

"Your romeo, maybe?" answered a boy. A beautiful boy at that. 

I stared at his bright blue eyes, sparkling with mischief. 

"You know you want this." He grinned, running a hand through his messy hair. I did want it. I wanted it more than anything at the moment. 

"Hell no, you egotistical twat." I said, scowling at him. 

"Egotistical?" He said, gasping. "Why, don't you think that's a little harsh?" He whispered, leaning in.

I could smell his breath. Minty. He looked ravishing standing there in front of me, his face merely an inch away from mine. I heard the a click, and my knob turned.

"Sorry, not interested." I said, and pushed myself inside, slamming the door in his face.

"Wha-?" I heard loudly from outside my door. Looking through the peephole, I saw him confused. 

"Like I said. Not interested." I said before slumping down, exhausted.

I was just fired, I needed to calm down, and find an alternative job I can get, to raise enough money before I find a more "permanent" solution.

"How's dinner sound, later?" He yelled through the door. 

"Told you, I'm not interested." I yelled back, slightly irritated that he hadn't just taken the hint and left yet.

"So, if I pick you up at 7, you're okay with that?" He asked. 

"I never said I was." 

"You never said no! I'll see you at 7 m'lady!" He said, before I heard footsteps walking away from my door. I could practically hear the cheekiness in his voice. 

"I'm not answering the door at 7." I told myself, as I walked in the kitchen looking for my laptop. I glanced at the time. "4:58", glowed on the microwave clock. "Great." I mumbled, before heading up to change. 

still in editing. sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2014 ⏰

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