My First Kiss With An Alien

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Edit- I added parts and changed a few things. 


I don't like nuts. So, why did I buy Pistachio Butter ice cream? 

I took one last lick before throwing it away. I wanted to try a new flavor, but I probably should have gone with something that didn't have nuts. 

I love ice cream. I've tried so many flavors that I can't even remember how many I've had. However, I can say that my favorite is Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. The little pieces of dough mixed with vanilla and chocolate chips were like tasting adrenaline. Once your body feels that good sensation you just have to get more. That's why my freezer is stocked full of it! 

I pulled out my phone. No missed calls. Hm, that's weird. Usually Auntie would have called by now, exclaiming how she thought I got abducted by aliens. I pressed her speed dial number and didn't have to wait long for her to pick up. 

"Nadia?! Where are you? Why didn't you answer?!" Auntie was going to have a panic attack if she didn't stop worrying so much. 

"I'm walking home right now. I just stopped to Freezy Frenzy for ice cream, like I do every day," I emphasized. 

"Thank goodness, I thought aliens had taken you!" See? "You know you're going to get a brain freeze from eating so much ice cream someday." 

"Nothing will stop me from eating my beloved ice cream!" I laughed like one of those evil villains on TV. "And what's with you and aliens? You know they don't exist." 

"I wouldn't say that! There's no way we are the only ones out there." For some reason she has this huge belief that aliens will come to Earth one day. Although I think that's just her craziness talking. 

"Yes, yes. Ok, I'm home now. I'll talk to you tomorrow." 

"Alright, love you sweetie! Stay safe!" I mentally rolled my eyes. I love her but I wish she would stop worrying about me. 

"You too. Bye." I hung up and walked into my apartment building and up to my room. 

Wait a second. Something doesn't add up. She said she called me, but my phone says no one called. It must be messed up. Although I don't feel like dealing with it right now. 

I still had that nasty pistachio taste in my mouth, so I dug my favorite food out of the freezer. Only, I couldn't get it out. It was stuck to the other ice cream jars. 

I pulled hard, but that just made my fingers cold. Then I got an idea. 

I grabbed my chef knife and started carving away the ice that was holding them together. Why is it so frozen?! 

After a few minutes it slowly cut through. But I was getting irritated because I really wanted to eat it. That's when I gave up cutting and slashed at it as if I were using a sword. 

At last it became unfrozen and I got out my ice cream. I opened the top and I think my heart almost gave out. There was nothing left! 

All that time and effort I used to get it out and this is what I get. Why? What did I ever do, but love and cherish you! Why... Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough ice cream... 

I grudgingly went to shut the freezer door, when something caught my eye. I bent down to the very bottom. Then I stood up, belly flopped on my couch, and screamed into the pillow. 

At the bottom of the freezer laid a brand new ice cream, not frozen or stuck to anything. It just sat there and watched me struggle and waste my time. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2014 ⏰

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