Happy Holidays

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Christmas again... She tried so hard to warn everyone, she tried to point them to the truth but they wouldn't even humor her "speculation". They hadn't seen what she did that day and it left her broken mentally and physically, like the left over shell of a hermit that went on to a better one. Ashley could no longer close her eyes and feel safe even in her own mind, and for that reason her parents insisted on the best psychologist money could buy along with time away from the University.

This wouldn't help their daughter though. The memories too deep and the emotions were too great to overcome. Every night by habit her fingers would trail over the scar of the wound that nearly killed her those years ago. Tears would be wiped away by the pillow she stuffed her face into every single night, and she'd hold her breath until the lightheaded feeling came and finally deep sleep overwhelmed her.

Life would never truly feel the same so long that deceiving killer continued to walk free. The older he grew the more dangerous he will become and eventually an uncontrollable force even to his parents could not contain. Unfortunately nothing could be done except to accept the reality and move on with her miserable days until he would return to finish what he started. For now though there was something she could do... protect the next possible victim before they're hurt by him like she was.

Even after 2 years the Lerner family dare ask for a sitter for their nearly 16 year old son. Worst part they found one in an old neighborhood friend with the name Holly J. Jones also known has Jay for short if you're close friend or family.

(Txt Messages)
Ashley: Please Holly don't do it! You know what I went through, you can't trust him!
Jay: Relax Ash 💕 I'll be fine. I'm more than qualified and prepared. I'll keep you updated if anything! 😉

The blonde became exasperated by the exchange of messages shutting off the phone and placing it on the nightstand for now. Her anxiety increased by the hour at the thought of 9:00 PM approaching soon, by then Jay will be with Luke alone and for a whole 2 days before his parents return from their little anniversary trip at the Marriott Hotel. Her stomach became upset at the negative thoughts and she nearly dropped walking into the bathroom, her hands shook due to the fear for her friend. How could she make sure Jay remained safe? Ashley reached for the sink leaning over it with her face inches from the oval mirror and the person she saw in the reflection could barely be recognized.

Darkness beneath her eyes giving the look of restlessness and sullen cheeks paled by anxiety and nightmares, her limbs weak even when little effort was used. Nothing like the brave girl of 2 years ago... Shame only existed now.

"I have to do something" her voice quivered. She chewed her bottom lip due to the stress that weighed on her shoulder and that is when an idea came to mind although it would be a risky one at least it was something! The plan would be from afar she would steak out the house and the minute something questionable occurred the police would be the first to hear it! She splashed cool water on her face to wake from the misty daze. Now to pack for the 2 days that will be spent in the old car... 

Ever since that day Ashley hated Christmas, she tore down the decoration her mother placed on her door and threw it away. This holiday was only lies told for monetary value anyway, she did her research some time after looking for possibly a religious healing and was only left with more answers and now a little less hope in God. This didn't mean she would give up though.. Garret, Ricky and even Jeremy would get the justice they deserve.

Ashley pulled back her hair into a ponytail and prepared a bag of clothes, snacks and eventually a fully loaded glock 23 specially for that demon child. Every practice shot aimed for the head she would think  it was him and every shot was successful till the last clip. Hell she got herself a job at the Armory due to her skills with a gun but even after a while not even that job could be kept due to her gradual reclusion from society. All blame on that night and on that boy who will not hurt another soul like her hurt hers so long she was breathing.

This was a promise Ashley made that day the officers laughed in her face after she gave her testimony against Luke Lerner.

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