Two Peas in a Pod

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Jackie screamed trying to crawl away from her boyfriend Daniel. He pulled his arm back a hit her as hard as she could she could feel her face getting warm. She got up the nerve move first chance she got. She thought to her self there is the door Jackie run, run like you have never ran before. So she did she ran as fast as she could. Broke threw the door! She doesn't look back he runs till she can't run anymore finally she makes it to the Capital. She looks up at the clock by the Capitol building and reads 10:38 p.m.

She found a bench in front a statue and pulled out her compact mirror and saw her reflection stair back at her. What kind of man would bust a women's lip and give her a black eye she mumbled. She had a cut on her cheek where his nail caught her skin. She put her face into her hands and began to cry.

" Excuse me but are you okay?" she looked up to see a tall handsome brown haired man. Jackie wiped her eyes "Yes I'm fine, thanks for asking." Jack sat down beside her. "Well honestly I don't think you are, first of all it's winter and your wearing a short dress with no sleeves and no coat, your cut and have a busted lip and black eye, now please tell me what happened so I can help you, who did this to you?... what's your name?" Jack then stood up and gave her his coat and scarf. Then sat beside her and pulled her close to her to keep her warm. Jackie began to talk but started to cry. Jack looked at her "take your time."

"My name is Jacqueline Bouvier but you can call me Jackie." Jack smiled and said "how about that Jackie out names almost match each other." Jackie smiles and continues her story "I had just came in from work, when my boyfriend came in super drunk and he was accusing me f cheating on him with other men, which I never would do anything like that. but anyway so we got into an argument and next thing I know he swing and hit me and I was laying on the living room floor and he hit me again and again, an as I cried for help no one came, then he finally went to the bedroom or something and I took my chance and ran out as fast as I could not looking back." Jack frowned "Jackie come with me so I can get you cleaned up." Jack took Jackie's hand and went to the Kennedy home.

Jack took her up stairs and got his sister Jean up to help him. They got Jackie all cleaned up and Jean gave her some night time clothes. Jack told Jean what happened to her and they both told Jackie that she was staying there for the night. Jack showed Jackie up to the guest bedroom, where he tucked her in. Jack sat on the couch in the guest bedroom and watched Jackie sleep.

Jack thought to him self why would someone abuse a women as beautiful as Jackie. Jack found him self beginning to fall for a women he just meet. She slept with such grace and peace. But sure enough jack ended up falling asleep on the couch.

The next morning Jack woke up to find Jackie walking around the room looking at all the paintings. Jack stood up and stretched, it startled Jackie and she said "Oh no I didn't mean to wake you, I'm so sorry. Did you sleep in here all night?" Jack looked down at his feet and ran his hand through his hair "You didn't wake me, and ummm yeah I did. I just couldn't leave you like that. I was worried about you."

Jackie sat down beside Jack and began to cry "I'm sorry to cause you all this trouble." Jack rapped his arms around her am explained that it wasn't a problem. Jack told her "Jackie I don't know how to say this but I don't understand why a man would want to abuse such a beautiful women." Jackie blushed "Thank you but I don't see how you find me beautiful with my face looking how it is."

Jack smiled at her "I don't look at what's on the outside, I look at the inside."

A few weeks later Jack an Jackie had been seeing each other. They were always together. Never with out each other. One day when Rose Kennedy was having a family dinner Jack thought it would be a good idea to ask Jackie for her hand in marriage. When they got to the Kennedy home Jackie went off with Jean and Rosemary. Jack stood there with Bobby and Ted.

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