Knock First..

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Ji Yoen POV:

"I'm not doing it" I said standing up

"come on~ do it for me~~" the annoying girl in front of me kept whining non stop

"Do your work by yourself Nari" I started picking up paper work from my desk

"You don't understand~~ I have a very important business meeting tonight I can't finish all of that"

"And by that 'very important business meeting' you mean getting drunk with Mr Kim"

"Oh come on~~ this is your 4th time getting the employee of the month this year and it's May! A couple of papers won't be a challenge for you"

"You realize I have so much work to-"

"Oh!  Namjoon oppa is calling me, gotta go bye Yoeni and thank you~~" she picked up her phone running away

"Y-yah! Aish.. This girl"

"Miss Baek can I have a minute?" I turned around to see who was calling me

"Yes Manager-nim?"

"Can you come to my office for a minute"

Seems like the Employee Manager needs my help regarding something?

"Yes Sir in a minute I have to stop by Miss Yoon's office" I remembered that I needed to hand in this month's report to the secretary

"Okay hurry up"

I started walking towards the elevator, suddenly I noticed a familiar  face entering the elevator before me

Is that Mr Min Yoongi?

I got in the elevator and I was right it is him, it's a little strange since he has been visiting Mr Park's office almost everyday since the secretary's office is on the same floor I always run into him

We walked out of the elevator and walked in separate directions, I noticed him opening the door to the CEO's office without even knocking cuz what are manners am I right?

"Ji Yoen!!" I felt a hand grabbing my wrist

"Unnie! What are you doing?" It was Miss Yoon and she seemed to have a troubled expression on her face

"Ji Yeon listen.. I need a favor" what the hell?

"Nari already beat you to that"

"Don't worry it's quick alright?"

I don't like where this is going

"I need you to deliver this month's report to Mr Park personally" she said with her voice shaking

"What why??" I mean his office is just a few steps away why me?

"I j-just have sooo much work to do now"

"But you-"

"I'll finish Nari's work for you" she seemed desperate

"Alright fine if you say so.. " I said making my way to the office

"A-and also!"she said as I turned my head back

"Make sure you knock.. "


"Ok..?" What was that all about

As I reached the entrance to the office I knocked waiting a few seconds and no one seemed to answer

I knocked again but all I could hear is faint noises from the distance, I sighed as I reached my hand to turn the door knob

"A-ah Hyung~ slow down~" I froze in my place questioning my existence

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