Chapter 1: Same old, Same old

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It was a Monday morning like every Monday morning before. Clayton woke up, ate breakfast, and went to school. Well, kind of. 

Mrs. Butler is a loving and supportive mother of two; Clayton Benjamin Butler, a senior in high school and Tara Marilyn Butler a 8th grader. Every morning at 6a.m Mrs. Butler would wake up, and cook some breakfast for her loving children. Monday mornings were the typical pancakes, toast, eggs, frenched toast, muffins, and orange juice day. As the week went on the breakfast would get a lot less elaborate and well, lazy. Tuesdays: hash browns, sunny side up eggs, frenched toast, and milk. Wednesdays: Fruit salad, yogurt, and juice pouches. Thursdays: Ham and cheese sandwiches and a bottle of water. Fridays: ... (Mom slept in). 
As for the weekends. Everyone ran on different schedules so breakfast was up to interpretation.

Another part of her morning routine inquired waking Clayton Benjamin Butler.

"CLAYTON!!!" She's yell at the top of her lungs while pounding on the door. "IT'S 7O'CLOCK!!!"

She pouted at the door and mumbled to herself "I've had enough of this. He doesn't want to get up, I'll get him up myself. You're going to school Clayton Benjamin Butler even if I have to drag you there."

She took a butter knife out of the kitchen and used it to unlocked her lazy sons door. Barging in, she grabs the pillow from underneath his cheek and smacks it against the back of his head. "GET UP!"

Startled, Clayton falls off the bed. "And breakfast is served." His mother said while tugging her shirt down to adjust it and exiting the room.

He arose from the floor and did the morning essentials. Brushed his teeth, with his sisters toothbrush. Got dressed, leaving his white long sleeve Henley on, of which he slept in, and putting on the first pair of jeans he saw lying on the ground. He did not calm his hair or anything of the sorts. He doesn't care much for appearance. He slipped on socks and a pair of sneakers. 

He walked down the stairs of his home to see his sister eating breakfast with their father and their mother cleaning up. 

"So nice of you to join us." His mother said.

"How'd you sleep kiddo?" His father asked.

"Would've been better if I didn't have to get up to go to the shit hole society calls school." He responded.

"Hey! Watch your language Clayton! Respect your father." Mrs. Butler responded.

"Sorry, Shit show. You're right, what was I thinking?" He sarcastically chuckled.

"Watch it Benjamin." His father said while sipping his coffee.

"Yeah..." He rolled his eyes with a slim smirk, grabbed a piece of toast, and sought out the bus.

"Where did we go wrong?" Tara shook her head while finishing the rest of her breakfast.

 = The Bus =

"CLAY! CLAY! BACK HERE! I SAVED YOU A SEAT!" A voice yelled from the back of the bus.

Clayton sighed. 

"CLAY!!!" A hand waved back and forth.

Clay walked to the back toward the waving hand with his head hanging low.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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