Father's Day

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Scrolling through my facebook feed,

I see all those fathers' glee.

Cute kids hugging them tight,

their smiles are cookie-cut like.

Father's love is so special and I envy.

You see, my hubby is travelling and

therefore, no celebration today.

I have no cute celebration pictures to post,

and there is a big rock in my chest, 

so my social media is empty today.

The truth is, I am very sad.

Sad that my husband is so busy,

sad that I am awfully busy

sad that ..... 

sad that I missed my dad terribly.

Would I share this on Facebook?

I supposed not.

Why ruin others' feed with my weep.

there is to share cheerful things.

So I grieve, as usual, under my pillow on this Father's day.

I remember his "off-tune" singing,

I remember his burnt-out look,

I remember his stern lecture,

I remember his disappointed sigh,

He was my motivation, and my aspiration.

But the time with him was too short,

way too short that 

I had no one to walk me down the aisle.

My kids didn't get to meet their pop.

And I didn't spend enough Father's days with him.

Glad that I have Wattpad.

Here I can write and cry and share.

Perhaps someone out there,

is also grieving on this Father's day.

Oh well, you are not alone my dear.

Maybe tonight, I will read a sad story

and mirror my mood,

or I will read a humor story

and wander into another neighborhood.

Browsing and browsing, I'll find something.

And you all,

no need to worry me.

I am sentimental and you should know

Emotional is who I am.

so, welcome to my world.

Happy Father's Day!

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