18th Birthday - Art School

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Katerina's POV

A state of body and mind such as that which typically recurs for several hours every night, in which the nervous system is relatively inactive, the eyes closed, the postural muscles relaxed, and consciousness practically suspended. We need it to function properly. We all desire to have it. It's the only time you get to dream of anything you want.

"Get out of bed Kat, now" Someone says as I feel a pillow hit my head, accompanied by another wake up call. "You're such a heavy sleeper." I recognize the voice as my annoying ass twin sister, I slightly open my eyes to see the redhead in nice clothes. I groan. "Five more minutes, Clary." "No, Katerina, I have the interview with the art school! And you are coming with me." After hearing that I jump up out of bed and run to grab a quick shower and get changed so I'm ready to go.


Clary and I were almost late to the interview, but thank the heavens, we got there and it wasn't too late. She walked out with an envelope and a sad face but I could see right through it. "I can tell that your sad face is fake, so I'm guessing you got in?" She squealed, "yeah I did!" "Good for you Clary!"


Clary and I walk into the Cafe where Simon is waiting on us. She has her sad face back on, "Give me the names of the professor's and I will end them." Simon threatens, I giggle slightly at the drastic measures that he is willing to go through just to make Clary happy. "You know I mean sending a scathing email to the dean." He quickly defended himself, I gave a look, clearly not convinced. "Don't bother." Clary said handing Simon the letter, as he opened it the letter said 'Congratulations!' "Sad face, really?" Simon asked, Clary and I giggled, "Come on Si, you couldn't see through that fake sad face?" He rolled his eyes while smiling. "Well played Fray, well played." I rolled my eyes, he was so in love with her.

"You know, it's weird, they kind of like my assigned work, but they freaked out over the drawings for out graphic novels." Clary shared which made Simon smile even bigger, "You're welcome" he chuckled "You guys are such nerds." I chimed in. "This day will go down in history as the best 18th birthday gift I've ever had." Clary giggles. "Well you get a good birthday gift and all I got was an early wake up call from you" I said frowning at Clary. "That's why we are celebrating tonight with Maureen after our gig." Simon says totally ignoring my comment. "Speaking of Maureen, what's the deal between you and her?" Clary asked, completely out of amusement. "What deal? There's no deal, we just sing." Simon said a little too quickly. "You seriously don't know that she's been crushing on you this whole entire time?" I chuckled at that, knowing that Simon does know that Maureen is in love with him, but he's in love with someone else, that someone being Clary. Simon has been in love with her ever since we were little, I'm a little jealous because no one has ever looked at me the way Simon looks at Clary. Everyone sees the way Simon looks at her, everyone except for Clary. "No, umm, no we're just friends" Simon explains. "Simon how could someone as smart and perceptive as you not realize that the person right there is in love with you?" Clary asked looking back at Maureen. Simon looked dumbfounded as he relaid back to her "I guarantee I'm not the only smart and perceptive person to make that mistake." I just kind of watched both of their facial expressions to see if anything would happen, but nothing did. Simon picked up his drink, clinking it with clary's then mine "here's to you clary", "l'chaim" we all three said together, while giggling.


Clary and I were walking home, and it was such a beautiful day. We walk into Greenpoint Antiques to see Dot messing around with tarot cards once again. "Hey Dot!" Clary and I both say at the same time, I look over at her rolling my eyes, "stop that Clary, we don't need to talk at the same time, it's weird." Dot just laughs at us. "So Dot, how's your future looking?" Clary asked. "Not as good as yours, the tarot cards tell me you got into the advanced program" I giggle, "And by 'the tarot cards,' you mean, 'Simons twitter account'?" Clary asked with her eyebrows raised. "Mmm, okay, I follow him. It turns out, trying to predict the future with tarot cards is actually very complicated." I laughed knowing how hard it was because I had once tried to teach myself, it was terrible. "But, I do see birthday presents in both your futures!" Dot hands us the bags and waits excitedly for us to open them. Clary reveals an adorable black see through sweater, and I pull out gorgeous black combat boots. "Dot! Thank you so much, these boots are so cute." I squeal. "You're welcome, I just buy the things that I wanna wear." Clary and I both giggle. "Happy birthday girls, I love you." Dot says, "We love you too." Clary beams. "Go up and see your mom."


"You did it Clary! Yay!" Mom shouted, "Mom, you follow Simon on Twitter too?" I asked softly while shaking my head and giggling. "What? He only has 92 followers, he really needs the retweets Katerina. Congratulations, Clary." "Thank you, hashtag stalker Mom." Clary grinned. "Happy birthday girls." Mom says while handing us both boxes with cute bows on them. We open the go find these little metal things that look like paperweights, "they are called Stele's. They are very ancient and I want you girls to have them. They're family heirlooms." Clary and I giggle, "We Frays have heirlooms? That's crazy." Clary nods. "A few." Mom whispers softly. Clary's phone buzzes and she looks at me, "it's Simon, he's on his way over." Mom is tapping her fingers on her leg "but we need to talk." I stand up "we can't right now Mom, we gotta change. We are going to see Champagne Enema tonight. And Simon and Maureen are taking us out after." Mom looks upset "but it's your 18th birthdays, and, uh..." she inhales deeply "and everything is going to change for you guys now..." "Mom we have already had the talk, I don't think we need to hear it again" Clary says softly as we try to walk away from Mom. Mom pulls us right back by our arms "we need to have a much more important talk." Clary gets loose again "and we will, but can it be over breakfast?" Mom let's go of me, and then Clary kisses moms forehead and we go upstairs to get dressed.


Clary's POV

I am standing in front of the mirror admiring the sweater Dot had bought me when someone knocks on my door, "Who is it?" I grumble, "Kat." I roll my eyes, when does she ever knock? "Come in." I mutter. She flings the door open "Oh la la, look at you sista." I giggle softly "I think I'm going to put a jacket over this so Mom doesn't see it, which one?" I hold up a green and red jacket, "Obviously the green." I slip the jacket on and grab the Steele Mom had given me, shove it into my pocket, and follow Kat down the stairs.


Kat's POV

"Hey, Luke, what's up?" Clary and I asked at the same time. "Hey girls!" Luke chuckled. "Incredible drawings Clary, soo... I got you these!" Clary was wide eyes and smiling "Spray paint! Oh, they're perfect! Thank you." Luke gave her this little speech about graffiti I didn't pay attention to and then he turned to me "And for you Katerina, these." He slide the little box to me, and I slowly opened it with a weird/questioning look on my face. "New guitar picks! Woah, they're custom made!? That's so awesome, thank you!" He grinned softly, "I noticed your fingers looking a little rough, so I thought you needed new picks." I gave him a false dirty look "hey, they aren't that ba-" "Kat, Simon is here" I turn to see Simon, "birthday girls, are you ready to go? Wait, do I smell chicken cacciatore?" I snickered, "Si, your gig!" Mom comes over and hugs Clary and I "Losing circulation here." Clary pretends to be choking. "Breakfast, you, me, and Clary." She sternly points to me. "Okay, bye Mom we love you." Clary jumps on Simons back and I scoff, "let's go losers."

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