Damned To Be A Seviant For The Rest Of My Life (PewDieCry OneShot)

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"Come here.." I heard him purr for me from his bed room. I slowly make my way to his bed room.

"Y-Yes, Master..?" I nervously stutter, knowing I screwed up again. I slowly walk towards him, half lying half sitting up in his bed, with his messy blonde hair sticking out everywhere.

"I don't like this! Me screwing up, and master in his bed furious with me is never a good mix!" I thought to myself, as now I was standing next to the side of his bed.

"Look at me!" his voice raises slightly, but it was enough to make me feel shivers run down my spine. I slightly raise my head and look into his eyes, they were still the same hypnotising colour I know and somewhere along the way feel in love with.. Golden.. they were the most beautiful colour a Vampire could ever have, but they don't always stay that colour. Their eyes express emotions or tell you when or what power he was using (mainly on you).

"You know why I've called you in here, haven't you?" he spoke again pulling me from my day dream where I was lost in his eyes. I nervously gulped, before answering.

"Y-Yes, Master.. B-B-But I will clean it up right away, Master!" I quickly stutter feeling even more scared.

"Oh no! You don't tell me what your going to do! Only I tell you what you will do! I am your Master, do not confuse your position with mine!" He raised his voice again, and I flinched thinking;

"Here comes the punishment for 'telling him what I'm going to do', you would think after this long being with him I would know my place and know what to do and say to avoid punishment. But the truth is with him, he shows no mercy and he will find any little thing to punish one with. Oh that's right you don't know my name, my name is Ryan, Ryan Terry. But as soon as I was brought here, to pay off my fathers debt to the Vampire that he bargained with, my name then became Cry. Why, you ask? because when I first arrived Master saw me crying in my cell, during the first night. My family were Demons, but as everyone knows Vampires are the more powerful beings in this realm."

He sat up in his bed more now, and his eyes were changing to more of a deep dark golden then to a orangey red. Which meant his temper was climbing fast. He grabbed my chin and pulled my face down to meet his. He looked very angered, and I looked like I usually did, no facial expression. But in my eyes you can see all the emotions I hide, sadness, loneliness, anger, fear and pain. But I know I must except my punishment without complaining. Complaining or crying about it in his presence only makes matters worse.

"You know today you have really been trying my patience and temper!" he said deeply which made me quiver. I didn't respond though, cause that sounded more like a statement then a question. And I mustn't talk when I am not asked to. Master went through all the rules on the first day, as well as all my duties as being a seviant. But when I tried to escape he put me in my place with punishment, not only that but I choose a very bad day to anger Master. It was feeding day, as well..

I feel the coldness of his hand leave my face, which meant my punishment was upon me. "Funny isn't it? His hand is as cold as his heart.." I thought to myself. I closed my eyes tightly waiting the fatal blow, then to thank him, and then go back to my duties, then my cell.. But instead I heard him.. chuckle..? I opened my eyes to see.. sympathetic ones staring back at me? I was confused? why didn't he puni-... Oh god! I know that look! As I stared back into his eyes I could see his eyes were now light silver. It meant he was both hungry, and held lust in his eyes.. His small smile showed amusement. It was obvious that that lust was for me.. Me as in my body..

"Oh god no! Please No! Not again! No no no no no no no no no NO! He can't be hungry and want my body at the same time! No this is very bad!" I could feel my breathe get caught in my throat as he quickly in one motion swing me over his body and onto his bed beside him. He then climbed on top of me, and pulled both of my hands behind my head with one hand. While the other started to undo the buttons on my shirt. I was panicking, I didn't know whether to be thankful that I didn't get punished or that now he was going to.. use my body as.. entertainment.. and then get a meal in the process.. A Vampires fangs, once sinked into your neck can bring agonising pain, blissful pleasure, nothing, death, or you can pass out.. But it all depends on who your master is, and how well you have behaved. The first day I was here he had taken a bite and because I misbehaved I felt agonising pain, and wasn't showed mercy as I screamed trying to escape his grasp he had on me, and my neck..

Damned To Be A Seviant For The Rest Of My Life (PewDieCry OneShot)Where stories live. Discover now