The Zombie Diaries

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Hi, you probably don't know me, but if you're reading this then I'm already dead. My name is Annabel,and I'm here with my younger sister, Amy. Amy is ten years old and I,on the other hand, am sixteen. We're staying at some abandoned supermarket, no one knows we're here and I plan to keep it that way. The more people there are the more zombies. It's basic logic, really. There aren't enough people alive to feed every flesh-eater there is and believe me, the zombies are smart enough to calculate the ratio.

I used to have nightmares in the beginning- when everything went to hell. I was with my family, bombs went off, people screamed, the ground shook, and my parents never came back from the grociery store. You can probably guess what happened to them.

I remember seeing people eating eachother on the streets. At the time I didn't know they weren't even alive anymore, I wanted to help, to save whoever was was on the recieving end of the cannabalistic wrath. Police, FBI, Navy, airforce you name it, they were just as confused and helpless as the rest of us. 

Blood, chaos, destruction was everwhere, no one could escape it. One by one countries self destructed. The radio stations that actually worked kept us up to date on the world wide terror. 

America was the first to go, then Africa, China, Iraq, and England. I stopped counting after that. 

Peace out,



"How about this?" Amy stood a few feet away, holding up a plastic bag. 

"If it's green that means it expired." Her shoulders dropped at my words. I shook my head and turned back towards the camping supplies. 

The flourescent lights flickered occasionally giving the store an eerie feeling.

You know that feeling you get when you are in a horror movie that part whe the monster or killer is about to jump out? Well thats how it is, but in real life, and instead the monster or killer there are undead freakazoids ready to chomp on you like a granola bar.

"I'm done!" I say slaming my diary down on the cold ground. The leather book hit the floor with a thump.

" What about this?!" Amy says holding two red balls in her hand. 

I scrambled off the floor when I saw what they were. "Where did you find those?" I say seeing the two ripe apples in her hand.

"Over there." she says smiling at me. Her long finger points to a dim corner. I should yell at her- I want to yell at her, ask her how she could be so stupid. If there was one thing you dont do, it's go into dark corners, but I held my tongue when she placed the apple in my hand. Oh how I've missed eating fresh fruit. 

" Thanks Amy for the apple." I say while she hands it to me.

" Welcome." She saids smiling at me.

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