The Patriots

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Slowly i scanned the place my  coffee-coloured long eye lashed big eyes which were half-closed came across something unfamiliar. I tried to move but a searing pain shot through my back, i was determined to find out exactly where i was so i moved slowly like a slug holding the agonising pain within me.

 I slowly stood up and looked at myself. My feet were covered in gothic black boots, with faded black jeans sticking to my leg like superglue and a short-sleeved black shirt which had bloodstains running down the front. I realized that the blood must have come from the pain in my back which was hurting me like hell. I darted my eyes across my surroundings and was shocked! I appeared to be in a medium-sized old room. The walls were sculptured with scratches filled with dry blood; grey metal, old rusty chains were occupied with dead skeletons which were still slowly decaying. A strong foul stench, hugged the air close.

 A broken dim light shone its way through the broken glass, sending out an eerie atmosphere. A small window no bigger than an A4 paper was barely visible, hidden underneath the mouldy wood which acted as if it was a guard. Cracks littered the ceiling making it seem like a maze. As i moved forward something squelched underneath the heel of my boots, i turned around and saw it was someone's brain, soft and a fade greenish colour with a medium-sized hole running through, the person must have been blundered to death i assumed.

 I walked forward slowly, feeling out of place in this mysterious room. I heard the slow whistle of the wind through the vent in the room, suddenly feeling an ice cold breeze crawl on my skin, i shuddered. I had a bad feeling.

 In the far left corner of the room, i saw a figure lying there motionless. It was a man, who appeared to look around my age, maybe 2-3 years older who was only wearing black boxers. His dark brown hair was tousled and seemed lifeless. Deep scars ran down the white skin being painted slowly by the trickle of the fresh blood. The legs were badly burnt with wisps of smoke still rising effortlessly. I kneeled over and looked closely at the face, grey eyes stared back at me, with the lips partly closed, and I saw pearl white teeth sitting peacefully on the soft pink flesh. 

Suddenly out of nowhere, his hand grabbed mine and he started whispering something. It was faint at first but he gradually started getting louder like someone was twisting the volume button on him from low to high. "Save me!" Save "yourself!" I was confused. Questions flooded through my mind, save myself? What on earth was he talking about? "What do you mean by save yourself? What are you talking about?" i asked him looking confused. A hoarse whisper filled the silent air, "save yourself...from them."

 "Who's them?" i asked wondering what exactly this was all about. "...The Patriots""Patriots"? "Yes...they were the people who were planning on cloning everyone of us, to give everyone a chance to have eternal life , but then they suddenly turned corrupted and wanted eternal life for them self so they started doing experiments upon everyone else" I was shocked! I couldn't believe what i was hearing. Humans who had their own life were being used as animals for The Patriots own satisfaction. Anger rose all over me. They had to be stopped!

I tried to move but the young mans hand was tightly gripping mine. "Don't leave me here..." I replied in a whisper "I'm sorry but i have to leave, and stop The Patriots before it's too late" He looked at me for a while and then replied "I understand..." He squeezed my hand tightly against his and then his hand slipped out of mine, his eyes closed for the last time and his body was lying there motion and lifeless.

 Tears of sorrow started flowing out of my eyes. I cried for what must have felt like ever but in reality it was only about 20-30 minutes. Time was running out. I had to leave and destroy The Patriots.

 I stood up and wiped my tears away, the metal door was locked with a combination of numbers and words, it would take me forever to work out the code, and i couldn't afford to lose precious time, so i looked around for a weapon.

 Underneath some broken bones, lay a wooden hammer, i picked it up and slashed the dirty, grimy mouldy black wall, a few minutes later a small hole formed. It was perfect for me to fit through. I climbed over the miniature hole and came into contact with a massive corridor. Both sides of the long corridor were painted snow white with doors facing each other. Each door had a crispy clean black number plate with numbers written in white.

 The numbers made no sense to me. I was curious to see what lay before these mysterious doors, so I walked towards door number 07 and tried to open the door. It was locked. I tried every other door and the same thing happed, they were all locked. I moved forward towards the other end of the corridor. 

A disinfectant smell rose and clung itself into my nose, slowly reaching to my brain, making me feel slightly dizzy. I reached the heavy steel door which was wide enough to fit two people walking side by side together and saw that in the middle, my name was carved out in scratches "Amina" They already knew i was coming!

 I then saw a really old torn letter which was addressed to me in fine black ink. I took it and tore it open. Written in dried blood these were the words i came across "Finally...You have reached this far, Amina. I'm sure you will be confused and would like to know exactly what is going on. But don't fret, there is only one more step left before you face The Patriots. 

I advise you to drip some of your blood onto the lock of the door. These were the exact words on the paper and at the bottom left of the ancient letter was a signature. But it wasn't just any signature, this signature was different from any I'd ever seen, it was of a finger dipped in blood. I had to get to the bottom of this; everything about this place was driving me crazy. I scanned around and saw a small silver shiny knife on top of the frame of the door; i grabbed it and let it rest in my hand. 

Its razor sharp edges glistened from the glare of the bright hanging light. It felt cold and uneasy. I held it care fully in my left-hand like a pen letting the sharp tip of the clean knife touch my soft skin, i felt the blade cut me slowly dripping fresh raw blood out of the medium slit letting it trickle down my fingers. I felt a little pain within me but i threw the pain aside and took it all. 

I moved my hand towards the huge shiny grey lock and let my blood dribble all over. I placed the knife in my pocket, for further use later on.A few minutes later, the huge door slowly opened up like a portal and i stepped in.

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