Clumsy Girl Meets Elegant Boy

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"I gotta go grab that CD out of the car. There's always a chance that we could meet them." I said, jumping up from our sweet spot at the front of the ever growing line of eager fans.

Bonnie nodded and I took off at a brisk pace around the side of the building. I was just about to turn toward the parking lot when I collided with someone I didn't see coming. I lost my balance and landed ungracefully on my ass. From my new vantage point all I could see were a worn pair of black and white high top converse. Then my eyes traveled up the length of tight black denim that encompassed two very slender, very familiar legs.

'Fuck no.' I thought to myself, nervously lifting my eyes higher. 'Fuck no fuck no fuck no.' A Black Sabbath t-shirt came into view. And then finally a familiar face, framed by black curls. The face of a Finnish God, if such a thing had existed. I blushed deeply, silently willing the asphalt to open up beneath me and swallow me up, trying not to stare.

"Do you need any help, or were you planning on sitting on the ground all day, Love?" Ville smirked.

" I mean...I'm sorry for running into you like that. I was on my way to my friend's car to grab my copy of Tears On Tape in case I were to meet you and the guys. And um, yeah, I'll shut up now." I clamped my mouth shut in embarrassment.

Ville just smirked again and stuck his hand out toward me.

I bit my lip and tried to hide a grin as I accepted his hand and stood up, brushing off my jeans. "Thank you."

"You're quite welcome, um, what's your name, darling?" Ville asked, still holding, no engulfing, my hand in his.

"Liv. Liv Monroe."

"Liv." I loved the way my name rolled off his tongue. "It's been a pleasure to meet you, even under the, erm, circumstances." There was that smirk again.

"Yes, well this has been amazing regardless. Maybe my friend and I will catch you after the show. I'd love to chat again. And maybe get that CD signed too." It was my turn to smirk now.

"Of course. Just come out to the busses after the other fans have cleared off and we'll talk and sign and whatnot. Anyway, I should get going, it's almost time for soundcheck." He saluted me and walked away.

I stood there in awe. I couldn't believe what had just happened. Bonnie was going to kill me. I half walked, half jogged to the car,  grabbed the CD, and headed back the way I had come. The line had grown a whole lot longer in the time that I had gone and I could just barely make out a crowd of people surrounding Bonnie at the front. I sped up to a jog and when I got closer I finally saw why everyone was suddenly interested in her.

They weren't interested in her at all, but the mohawked man she was speaking to. He wore dark jeans, untied boots, and a plain black t-shirt. I knew that man anywhere. Bonnie was engaged in conversation with freakin Mige Amour!

"Bonnie!" I shouted, finally arriving to the front of the line, breathless. "Okay first of all, explain. Second, you're not going to believe what just happened to me."

"Liv! Mige, this is the friend I told you about, Liv Monroe."

"Great to meet you, Mige! So excited for the show tonight. I actually just talked with Ville a little bit ago." Bonnie's eyes widened at those words and I winked.

"It's wonderful to meet you two. I'll see you inside." He surprised me with a hug and we shook hands and then he left, signing a few autographs on his way back to the stage entrance at the back of the venue.

"Um what just happened?" I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"You tell me, Liv! You talked to Ville Valo??" She put her hands on her slender hips in retort.

"Yes!! Bonnie, he said we could meet him at the busses after everybody clears out, so I can get my CD signed!"

"Damn, I knew I should've brought my copy along." She grimaced.

"Bonnie dear, I'm sure there are other, shall we say, "things", you can think of." I glanced at her chest and tried not to bust out laughing.

She rolled her eyes and we sat down closer to the doors than we started out, so that we could hear HIM soundchecking. I smiled when I heard Ville warming up. I tilted my head back against the glass and lost myself in his beautiful voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2014 ⏰

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