The Riot

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The sky collapsed as Gotham shook with an unpleasant awakening. Smoke erupted in the distance was Brin rushed to the window, eager to see what had happened. Smoke and fire, that's what Brin had recalled seeing that night. It was sprouting from a building in the distance. That was when Brin realized: It's GPD...

A bloodcurdling-sizzle then occurred once more, and then Brin spotted the source of it: It was, a man, flying through the night-sky with a Jet-Pack and Flamethrower, and a helmet. He was laughing at the top of his lungs as he shot flames all over GPD, and a few (unlucky) random buildings. Brin recognized this man: Firefly. That's when another thing caught his attention: A large, large gang of mobsters running to the gates of GPD, stolen swat-shields, spiked baseball bats, and firearms in their hands. A prison riot. Thought Brin. He would've seemed more terrified of he had't of seen this before, but sadly, he already has. Brin yawned as he walked back to get back to bed, but then he found himself coming to a halt as he heard a unsettling-"creeeeek" noise settle near the window. Brin let out a sigh, and walked over, looking out. He studied the window close enough, until a brown-hand slammed on it.

Brin nearly flinched as he stared at it. Then, a brown-mutant-human-bat creature revealed itself as it let out an ear-ringing screech while glaring at Brin. Brin growled in rage as the bat-creature slammed itself on the window, cracking it. Brin turned to run away, but then came back with a firearm, a pistol. Brin aimed it at the creature's head, and then fired. The creature groaned slowly as it froze from the shot Brin had gifted to the beast.

The creature then staggered as it found itself loosing grip on the window, its mouth coated with teeth as sharp as Brin's claws. The creature then fell off the window, tumbling into the alleyways below. Brin let out a sigh of relief. Brin then walked, but then turned around to give another look at the prison-riot. As much as Brin could, he didn't want to step in and save the city. He was relying on another soul to do so, but with Batman gone, it seemed nobody else could take his place at this point. Brin didn't want to deal with being a hero, since being the city's master-detective and crime-fighter would mean that you'd see things that would make you go gray. It would also mean that you'd make more enemies than friends, and that despite all you do, if you're not allied with the GPD, you'd be seen as a vigilante rather than a defender.

This was what Batman had started off as, but overtime, he gained the trust of the GPD. Brin wasn't interested with having to do the same, but he wondered if he even had a choice anymore. What's even more sad is that even though Brin Londo was never a crime-fighter, or vigilante before, he had already seen enough to the point where he barely even cared that he had just spotted a giant-bat-mutant clinging on his window with a bloodcurdling roar. Out of all the places Brin could live, Gotham, seemed just about the worse. Brin walked back to his bed, and started to get sleep once more, but then, his cell-phone rang. He picked up the call, and realized that it was a friend of his: Jodi Rikes, an old-friend from school, and college. He had known her for almost his entire-life, but it seemed to him that she was aware of the riot as well.

"So you're also awake." Jodi said.

"Yeah, another riot it seems..." Brin replied. Jodi let out a sigh.

"Well, too bad we don't have Batman here anymore. He'd know what to do, it seems that without him, this city won't last long." Jodi explained.

"You're right, the GPD can't handle these convicts alone: Murderers, Psychopaths, Mutilators, beast, and more." Brin flinched at the thought of "Mutilators," his mind flashing to somebody specific.

"I think they should call for another evacuation." Jodi suggested. "Or let-alone, quarantine the entire city in general, I don't think anybody can live here anymore." 

"As much as I'd like to focus on the positive, I think you're right. Maybe we should get out of this place while we still have the chance." 

"Yes, I know I may be repeating myse-AGH!" Jodi yelped as the sound of some distorted-slicing could be heard from Jodi.


"Y-Yes, I'm f-fine Brin!" Jodi replied, the slicing could still be heard. "I-I have to hang-up, we'll catch up in the morning, okay? Bye!" Jodi finished as one last distorted-slice could be heard as Jodi hung-up from her call. Brin sighed as he charged his cell-phone, and lay on his bed. Gotham was not going to last. He might have to actually do something to save Gotham, but he wasn't up for it at all. He had never attempted to stop-crime like Batman did, but he just wanted the city to be at peace. His wish might never come true, but he decided that it was best that he discussed it in the morning with Jodi. Brin lay down on his bed, and shut his eyes, and was engulfed in sleep.

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