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Hi there it's me again and now I found a new idea yay!!! Beware of my new story ideas and tell me in the comment section below how you feel about this story.

Rosie's POV:
I am Rosie and I have been stuck in the digital world, I was alone forever not until I met Mikey and his team. I saw him as a good friend and traveled with him. Right now we're in the Golden Zone and I'm with Mikey and his team in a cave to figure out a plan to defeat the dark general. I said "Hey Mikey?" He looked at me and smiled, he said "What's up, Rosie got a plan?" I nodded. He looked surprised as well as Beelzemon, I started to told them the plan and I was bait. In the present, I'm tied to a chair and looked at Olegmon. He looked back at me and smirked "You better make yer choice" I chose to join him and he smirked. He told Sparrowmon to untie me and she did, I growled softly but noticed that Beelzemon was hiding behind a flag to watch me. I pretended to not notice him and he fell for it, I reloaded Ballistamon and he used "Sasmic speaker!!!" and everyone became normal then detsroyed Olegmon. I smiled and winced in pain, I got a rope burn on my arm and tried to heal it on my own. I passed out because of the stress and heard noises coming from my friends but I noticed one of those voices was Beelzemon.

How did you like this story!! TELL ME!!! Anyways this is my first idea I had and now I need more ideas. Can you guys help me with ideas and I can take whatever ideas you have!! I love you guys enjoy my stories I promise to update tommorow or after that I don't know I have to go to school at 8:00 early for school I didn't go to school today because I told my mom that she gave me a choice and I decided to pick that I can go to school for a couple of days each week. Since I'm a returning student and I don't get any credit for anything I do, BTW did I tell yall that I loooooove Beelzemon he's kind of cute if you ask me but I missed him when he got deleted by LAYLAMON!!! Grrr I hate that witch, anywaaays I hope you vote, comment and follow me!!!! Bye!!

Signed out,

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