Chapter 1- The Call

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February 7th, 1987.
              The Control album had just been released a year ago. I was BIG. I knew it too. Everywhere i walked, there were cameras and  huge groups of people following behind me. It was hard to stay humble, but i managed to, knowing that all this fame could easily go away.
               I finally arrived at home later that day after running to the store myself. I was still adjusting to this good life. I didn't have to put up my groceries or anything. I didn't even have to go get them, but i needed my last bit of normal life before i sunk this high class lifestyle in my system.  As soon as i sat down i heard the phone ring. I sighed while dragging myself off the couch and into the kitchen to grab my phone off the wall. I held it up to my ear hesitantly, softly greeting the person with a "Hello, Janet speaking. How may I help you?". I expected it to be one of my workers around the way, or some other celebrity congratulating me for my work. It wasn't though. I heard this mans low scruffy voice through the phone. He answered back to my greeting immediately. "Yes. I've seen you around. You're on tv quite a lot too." My face scrunched up in confusion as i listening carefully to this man and his unfamiliar voice. "We should definitely get together soon, Janet. Meet me at the coffee shop tomorrow." My mind started racing with different thoughts. Was this a set up? Did this man want to harm me? I threw away my thoughts for a second to get out an answer. "Oh, uh, sure thing. Ill be there. 3:30 is the best for me." He gave me a quick response once again. "Yes, ma'am. 3:30 it is. Ill see you then." I said bye before putting the phone back onto the wall. I didn't even get a name. My thoughts came back into my head about what on earth he was trying to do. All i had was his name. But he had my number, which is impossible to know or get by self. I'd bring a bodyguard with me. There was no going back now, i had already said yes.
                The next day, 10:10, i woke up. I rushed to my bathroom, doing my morning routine. Marched straight into my closet and got dressed in a pair of high waist jeans with a short sleeve t-shirt. I slipped on some sneakers after pulling on my socks. Took about an 2 hours and a half to do my hair and makeup. It was now 12:40, still having time until my meet-up with this anonymous man. My body guards were ready, knowing the plan if something goes wrong. I sat patiently, waiting for the time to roll around. I checked my watch, seeing it saying 3:00. I shot up from my seat, calling out to my guards.  "It's time! Come on!" I ran out to the car and got into the back seat, so eager to meet this man. My nervousness started to overtake my excitement. What is he going to talk about with me? Maybe he's just a big fan though. I didn't know, but now i wanted to go back. My stomach was so empty.
                    Once we arrived to the coffee shop my eyes wondered and examined every mans face, trying to match his voice with one of them. "Alright, thank you. I'll take it from here" i told my guards. I slid out of the back seat after pushing my shades up onto my face. I kept my head Down as i walked up to the entrance, hoping no one would notice me. I squealed a bit after feeling someone's hands wrap around my waist. My head turned around to see someone's chest. I slowly lifted my head up, my eyes beginning to widen...

   Stay tuned to see what happens with Janet and this mysterious man...

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