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Memories get lost,

Out there in the chilling frost.

Some we find,

Some gets left behind.

They are never near the vicinity,

Of the word infinity.

This thing called memory,

It is all temporary.

Time gets lost,

Out there in the chilling frost.

Its flow is unstoppable,

Never to change, completely stable.

Time lasts forever,

It will end never.

Impossible to get back,

Time that has gone black.

Trust gets lost,

Out there in the chilling frost.

It gets crumpled,

And for long disabled.

Never again it will straighten,

It will hide in frighten.

Broken once,

It will be in absence.

Life gets lost,

Out there in the chilling frost.

The wind of death,

Will provide the last breath.

Nothing started everything,

And everything will become nothing.

It is impossible to stay,

Life is the only thing we can pay.

We will forget memories,

And let it wonder in the darkest alleys.

We will waste time,

By the sound of the chime.

We will break trust,

And tear it so fast.

We will lose life,

By the reaper’s knife

Out there in the chilling frost,

Everything gets lost.

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