Kind soul

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"Beep beep beep" I slowly wrench my eyes open only to be presented with sun rays beaming down on me, the alarm clock and sunlight reminding me that I have to drag myself out of bed for another day at work, not that I want to leave my warm and cloud like nest. "Beep beep beep" "okay, okay I'm up!" I push the off button on my phone and set off to make myself look half decent for work, shower being the first thing i set out to do. Quickly washing my hair and body, I grab a towel off the rail and dry myself only to wrap it around me so I'm not naked while picking my outfit for the day. I decide to wear long loose black pants and a silky long sleeved white shirt, satisfied with my decision I grab a pair of underwear and bra from my draw and put them on. Grabbing the towel off the bed I dried my hair as much as I could with the towel and ran a brush through it, my brown hair naturally has a few waves reaching half way down my back so I don't put a lot of time in making it look decent. A quick sweep of mascara and lip gloss and I'm all finished. Putting on my stilettos I grab my id badge and clip it on my pants waist band, making myself a quick coffee In my travel mug then quickly dashing out the door realising the time. Driving towards work makes me dread the day that may lay ahead, Iv been a child protection officer for three years now and although it has it's rewarding moments there are a lot of heartbreaking ones too. A professor told me when I was studying in college to always try to keep a professional relationship with the children to save ourselves from heart ache when unfortunate outcomes happen, although I try to do just that sometimes my caring side gets the best of me. My best friend was the reason I wanted to get into the human services industry, she grew up in a environment that no child should have to, I remember the day child protection officers came to her house, they seemed like goddesses coming in and saving her from her dungeon, treating her oh so very gently and nurturing. Thinking back to that time of my life makes me realise of my own past that I worked so hard to move past, quickly changing my train of thoughts, I make a mental note to text Sarah today to organise a catch up.

Pulling in to the car park I collect my belongings and travel mug and make my way into the building. Taking in a breath when inside then slowly letting it out " how are you doing today .....?" Jim said. I smile at him, he was a sight for sore eyes, with his striking blue eyes, brown hair and over six foot athletic figure, the man could seriously be a model. " I'm doing good Jim, how are you on this fine sunny day?" I replied. "Yeah pretty happy considering the weekend is literally around the corner" He smiled. "You have much planned for it?" I said whilst walking towards my work cubicle, knowing exactly what he's going to say and feeling dreadful because I'll reply with what I always reply to his question, although I have to give it to him, he's a determined man. " I'm planning to have a few drinks with some friends apart from that, nothing much unless you want to do something this weekend sally?" And there it is, the question I was dreading, "Thank you for your offer but I actually have plans to meet up with a friend myself, maybe some other time though Jim !" I smile with all my teeth on show, "no worries thought I'd throw the suggestion out there anyway" Jim replied with slight disappointment in his voice, makes me want to say yes when I see him sad from my answer, but I'm just not ready for any relationship right now and I don't know when I will, it's best to keep it how it is just co workers. " well I better get to work, I'll catch up with you at lunch though" Waving as I'm walking away from him. I sit down at my desk, leaving the conversation with Jim behind and start putting my hand bag under my desk, grabbing my phone before I do so. I pull up Sarah's name, messaging her asking if she wants to catch up and have a drink. Hearing the sound of the message delivered I put it on my desk and start up the computer and get to work. Usually for my Friday night I'll leave work and go home and make my nest on the couch watching chic flicks and eating enough chocolate for a army which I'll then burn off the calories the next morning, hating myself that I ever consumed so much in a sitting, it's a vicious cycle really. A few hours into being engrossed in my work I hear a ding noise from my phone indicating a message, looking down at my phone and noticing it's from Sarah, smiling I grab my phone and look at the message. She's agreed to meet up at a pub in town she suggests a time and with a reply it's made a solid plan. I haven't seen Sarah for such a long time but it's my own doing, I was so busy studying and then got busy working that I didn't have much time for a social life. Iv always been a bit of loner, that's the way Iv always liked it, Sarah was the closet person Iv ever really had in my life. I don't have any siblings and my family isn't exactly picture perfect, I never knew my dad he walked out on my mother when I was only a baby and my mum did the best she could with what she had, I never put blame on her for drinking on a daily basis it was her way of coping with what she had been through, she tried to make sure I had cloths on my back, food in my stomach and a roof over my head. She died two years ago from liver failure, and a little of myself died with her.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Mar 20, 2018 ⏰

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