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I watched as Beauty turned on the television. Perfect timing again. The music started and the cartoon picture of Sam and his adorable rabbit lily was spinning around. Beauty mouthed the words 'who do you want to see?' But she was quiet as if embarrassed an 11 year old would be watching it but I think it's so sweet.
Only Dilly my big sister was here with us so Tia was safe (I call her tia because the end of her name is ty.) I know she is nervous in case one of the really snobby/bratty girls in her school would catch her watching it then she would get teased even more. I hate the fact that they tease her about her name but they wouldn't dare while I was with her and they know it.
"Hey there!" Said a soft gentle voice from the tv and Beauty opened her eyes. It was like Sam was smiling strait at her and me. I admit he is the only guy that has ever caught my notice he is just so sweet when other guys can be jerks. Beauty smiled back and so did I. It was just his lovely funny grin.
"How are you doing?" Sam asked
I took this as my notice to slowly get up and see my big sister.
Beauty was especially smiley today and I think it's because Rhona Marshall gave her an invitation to her party!
I'm so happy because she is such a lovely girl and Beauty had my favourite teacher when I went to Lady Mary Mountbank Miss Woodhead who called her a joy to teach. However Skye the 'pretty and popular' girl of the year teased beauty about her being the teachers pet. She has long blonde curls and  typical dull blue eyes. I heard beauty talking about when she was born. I remember that day. I was only 7 and it was two months after the car crash that gave me a permanent scar just above my belly button and killed my parents. Dilly took me in and I love her for it every single day.
Tia doesn't think she is beautiful but I think she is! Especially with her pure and innocent heart. Her eyes are a beautiful shade of green hidden by glasses and her hair is honey coloured.
I heard her crying and literally ran over to her
"Hey tia, your beautiful okay? Don't let anyone tell you otherwise! Your mine and dilly's little beauty"
"Thank you Auntie Ember" she sniffed

That's when Sam and lily finished and beauty smiled and waved goodbye. Then Dilly came in with little pink iced buns mine and beauty's favourite.
"But Dad said I wasn't to eat them anymore?" She said confused ugh I hated her dad he was evil to Dilly and even my little tia saying she was getting fat! You don't say that to your daughter especially when he is bigger then her.
I left them and went upstairs sighing as I heard them talking about how angry Gerry gets it's so scary he's like a volcano and it scared me to know he might hurt my sister. I'm 18 and still live with them because Dilly didn't want me to leave. I start the shower and look in the mirror I look like Dilly and mum except I have dads red hair but the same piercing blue eyes as Dilly. I jump in the shower and wonder when I will find someone for me because obviously I can't go out with a guy from tv.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2018 ⏰

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