That Fateful Day

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Heya People! This is a quick finished short story that I hope you enjoy! Let's begin!!!


Walking into the room I notice the dark and dank smell floating in the air. The walls are a depressing gray and the corners of the walls have disgusting mold peeking out. There’s a gray looking bed with a bland brown desk and a forlorn chair in the corner. I walk over to the window with the gray iron bars over it and notice that the weather matches my mood. Heaving a big sigh I walk over to the chair and sit down.

“I don’t need to be here! I did nothing wrong! I just did what had to be done,” I think. While battling with myself internally I finally realize the truth. Looking back at it now, I regret what I did. All the bad things I did. All the lies I told. All the people I hurt. Now I’m in this dreadful place because of the horrible choice I made. Many times the thought crosses my mind that I wish I could go back and change what I did, go back to the time when I didn’t feel this way. Back to the time when I wasn’t who I am now.

            I was a happy go lucky girl going to the great Everson school. Everson is a rich posh school which only wealthy families could afford, and the only reason why I was in Everson was because I got a scholarship. That was probably the reason why my life started spinning out of control and the name-calling started.

            “Fat, whale, overweight blubber,” they called me.

Sure I was overweight, but I didn’t really mind, while they were off doing whatever they did and leading a horrible life I had great friends, good grades, and a happy life. I could just ignore all the name-calling, or so I thought.

            The name-calling had been going on for some months but only small comments. Ignoring them I would just walk away and mind my own business. In the morning was when it all started, when I entered the school. Carefully sliding past people trying to get to my locker I quickly notice something. All eyes were focused on me staring me down. It was as though everyone was on mute and the only thing I could hear was my heavy pants of exhaustion. I shrugged it off as tiredness and kept walking towards my locker. Slowly though, like a wave, murmurs of students started to arrive, reaching my ears. Not understanding what they were saying, I went up to a fellow classmate and asked,

            “What’s going on?”

            “As if you didn’t know you whale!” she said while sneering.

Instantly I feel my face turning red and I feel my eyes widen with shock. Sprinting to my classroom I feel completely horrified. Once I enter the room everyone goes unnaturally silent, staring at me again. I shuffle to my seat with my head down making marks on the ground and just as I was about to sit down I hear someone cough and say,


Laughter engulfs the room and more people start to call me other names. My face turns hot and red as a ruby while tears start to form in my eyes. I gasped in horror and held the tears in, feeling completely mortified. Sinking into my chair I try to ignore the comments and concentrate on the lesson.

            After six periods of name-calling and laughter, lunch was finally here. Walking into the lunch line I start to pick some of my favorite food and put it on my tray. Once I pay I slowly walk towards my friends while keeping my head down. About five feet away from the table someone gets into my line of vision blocking my path.

            “Well, well, well. If it isn’t Casey! What do we have here? Food? Shouldn’t you stop eating? Cause your already FAT! You’re such a whale Casey!” he sneered.

It was Gerard. Gerard had light blue eyes, dark brown hair, and was the school’s jock and player. When I first got to this school he started the name-calling and made my life a living underworld. After he insults me everyone in the cafeteria erupts in laughter and starts to point at me.

            “You don’t even have any friends!” Gerard says mockingly.

            “Yes I do! Brooke and Meghan are my friends!” I say defiantly, trying to be strong.

            “Please as if we would be friends with you! We were only friends with you so you would do our homework. You’re just a big, fat, overweight waste of space!” Brooke says coming from behind Gerard with an evil look on her face.

 Tears start to form in my eyes threatening to drop like rocks. Dropping my tray I sprint out of the cafeteria with all my might. I rush to the bathroom with tears streaming down my face. The bathroom door bursts open with a bang and I then finally break down in tears sliding down to the floor.

            “Why? Why? WHY?” I think.

After what felt like an eternity of sobbing an amazing idea pops into my brain. I had seen it on TV once and I was sure I could do it. Clumsily I got up and took a deep calming breath. I take a good look at myself in the mirror, puffy red brown eyes and light brown hair, askew everywhere. I didn’t blame them for calling me fat, I was fat and ugly! Gripping the sides of the sink I make the decision that would change my life forever. I take a deep breath, walk to a toilet, and put my head down.

            Coming back from the past my eyes wander around the room again. With totally different eyes I notice that the walls are a soft purple hue with extravagant leaf designs on the edges. The bed had a soft fluffy pillow and a light blue comforter on it. The desk’s color was a deep rich burgundy color with all my stuff on it. The room emitted calmness from it with a peach scent floating around, making me relax more. Realizing something I feel my face break out into a soft smile.

“I didn’t have to change! I am perfect the way I am!” I think.

Just when I make this discovery there is a knock on the door and someone comes in.

            “Casey, if you’re ready let’s go to the first activity,” she says.

After quickly putting my things away I follow her down the hallway, turn right, and enter a large room with people in the center forming a circle. I walk to the circle and grab a seat, listening to the person that it talking.

            “Welcome to High Lakes Rehabilitation Center, HLRC for short. My name’s Bryan your circle leader and today we are just going to introduce ourselves and explain what happened to us. Now who wants to start, how about you over there,” He says while pointing at me.

Standing up I take a deep, calm breath and say,

            “Hi my name’s Casey and I am bulimic…”

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2012 ⏰

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