Gay Pride Parade Phan Oneshot

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Thank Matthew Lush for this Oneshot. I thought of this while watching his recording of the LA Gay Pride Parade. If you're not already subscribed to him on Youtube, go check him out please. His channel is GayGod

Dan P.O.V  

Colors swirled around us and people screamed gleefully as they watch the dancers and floats slowly make their way down the street. Every few minutes a new beautifully decorated vehicle runs past us with dancers and music flowing from its depths. Streamers and rainbow flags basically rain from the sky and a marching band comes down the street, making sure my heart hammers with the violent beat of the synchronized drums.

"This was a pretty great idea Dan!" Phil, my best friend and boyfriend, tries to yell over the people yelling 'happy pride' every five seconds.

"Yeah, but really who would've thought somewhere in the UK anyone would host a gay pride parade." I holler back.

"I know right." He smiles at me, reaching for my hand.

As he almost grabs it, I pull away from him and a hurt expression spreads across his face. I hate doing that to Phil. He sighs heavily.

"Dan. You suggested we go to a gay rights parade and you still refuse to show anything! Come on! Someone can see us here and suspect everything but yet you still won't let me hold your hand!"

"Its different." I sigh now. Why can't he just understand I'm not ready. I know I don't make sense but it is different. I mean I could say we were here to support a friend in the parade or something. If someone saw us close to each other like hand holding, there is no coming back from that.

"How the fuck is it different?" He's angry now. Literally the only thing we fight heavily about is this fucking topic.

"Phil, it just is. Please don't cause a scene. Besides you said you'd wait till I was ready." I try to stay calm, and smile so the people around me can remain having a good time.

"Dan its been 4, almost 5 years and I've been ready and waiting for 3, almost 4 years now! Most people would be married or something by now!"

"Yeah and you're almost 30! I still haven't reached the age where I finally know everything about myself! I still have like 2 years left!

"FYI I still have 3 years left before I'm 30! And are you saying I'm too old for you now? Well fine! you're too young and immature for me then! Apparently you haven't decided if you really want to be with me or not because you 'haven't reached the appropriate age'! Am I truly not good enough to show off Daniel? I mean I know you're better than me at almost everything but come on! Why aren't I good enough to have while people do what they do. Hate isn't that bad when you have a shoulder to cry on. "

"I didn't mean it like that; you know that. People can be really mean Phil." The tenseness and numb warmth has reached my heart/brain and everything around me is being muffled to the point where tears are trying to fall but I resist them falling. It's getting harder to breathe properly without sobbing and I can barely speak.

"That's what it sounded like! You act like I haven't experienced how people can be! I mean before I know it you could 'FYI I like vagina' all over my heart."

"Phil that doesn't even make sense!"

"IT DOESN'T HAVE TO, I'M JUST A SENILE OLD MAN TO YOU!" People started to look our way.

"Phil! SHHHHH!" I try to grab his arms in a hug to try to keep him quiet but he just pushes me away.

"NO! GET OFF ME! IT'S OBVIOUS YOU DON'T LOVE ME! PLEASE JUST STOP! I don't want to wait anymore, even if we did get hate I wouldn't care! I'd have you to tell me its ok when hate gets bad! I don't even care if I get hate though Dan! I care if people hurt you and that is why I've waited so long! But i'm not going to for much longer! You need to decide what you want to do and grow up!" Phil ends his speech looking at me with blood shot blue eyes that have turned a dark blue.

Gay Pride Parade Phan OneshotWhere stories live. Discover now