Why is One direction in MY CLOSET?

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A/N Ok this is a new book. iz abandoned most of my books (which flat out stink) and am writing this one and I'm trying to stick with it. Ok STAY BEAUTIFUL!!

~Michaela (Pronounced Mik ay lah )

I hopped into my car with Jessie next to me. I started to blare the radio, I guess that kinda backfired because I was getting weird looks from the kids in the school parking lot.

Today was so slowwww!" I said to Jessie. She's been my best friend, hold up SISTER for ever since I can remember. We do everything together. Her parents are like my parents and my parents are like her parents ( If that makes any sense).

"I know, Mr. Williams was so boring, I fell asleep in science class, He didn't catch me but Alex did."

Alex is my twin over protective brother who is always in my business. He's so annoying and a tattletale but he's just trying to protect me.

"Maybe, if you didn't fall asleep you wouldn't be FAILING class. I do have to agree though, he is SUPER BORING!!!"

I pulled into my driveway and shut the door. Jessie and I walked through the door and put our bags down by the couch. We walked into the kitchen and grabbed a Dr.Pepper and a bag of chips. I plopped down on the couch with Jessie and turned the T.V on. I turned on last nights episode of the walking dead and sat down and began to watch it. Yes, I am obsessed with zombies, I'm weird. I'm not a girly girl but I'm not a tomboy either. I'm just a normal girl that has a... Weird personality.

"No Daryl don't die get the zombie kill it!" I shouted

"Woah Mia calm down its just a TV show, It's not real life."

"Yah but he's my favorite. If Daryl dies, I rampage.

Jessie rolled her eyes and went back to watching the show. After the episode, It was around dinner time. Perfect, I'll get my dad to cook for me because I stink at it.

A/N This pro belt stinks but YOLO

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