Will you got o Prom with me? (Reader x Arthur Kirkland)

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     It was getting near the day almost all girl dream about, yes that day is Prom. When boys ask girls to Prom, when girls pick out beautiful unique dresses that go with their personalities, and it's both a beautiful night and wonderful experience for the High Schoolers who will be graduating. You, (y/n), are planning on asking a man to the Prom. Oh, that's odd, you're asking him? Oh well~! You, (y/n) (l/n) are going to ask your both crush and best friend, Arthur Kirkland, to prom. You love this brit to much he means the world to you! Every time you're around him you get weak knees and butterflies fly around in your stomach. This may be harder than it seems to ask him, even if it's one simple question. 'will you go to prom with me?' 

     You've asked many of friends and friends of Arthur on advice on way to ask him. Lots of them would be too overwhelming or expensive with the fact that you don't make a lot of money from your job. But FINALLY you got a good idea from your great friend (f/n)! She's good with ideas, she helped you with many things actually. She gave you an idea to put a note in a box and leave it at his desk after class. And once he opened it it would say 'look out the window'. Why? You got permission from your favorite teacher to go stand outside the school with friends holding up a sign asking if he would go to prom with you. Arthur was kind of a nerdy type of guy but that's why you loved him. 


     Today is the day, today is the day you are going to ask him! In fact, your teacher let the whole class join in on your plan! Everyone was getting ready to hold up their signs. (there were different sign for the letters spelling it out) The class was getting ready to begin so Arthur would be making his way to class. You swear you could hear your heart pounding and pounding like it would almost fly out of you! You were so nervous on what he would say. Some of your class mates surprisingly boosted your pride by saying things like "You got his (y/n)!" or "Arthur is so lucky to have a friend like you, (y/n)!" Class was about to start!


     Arthur walked to the door of his last class of the day. This was his favorite time of the day, he got to hang out with his best friend who he obviously has a crush on. He's surprised she's never noticed not even a little! He opened the door relieving an empty room, not a single person was in there. Arthur was very puzzled. Where did everyone go?? Was he late? He noticed a small box on his desk. Slowly, he walked over  and opened it. A letter was reviled, it read 'Look out the window'. He walked towards the large window in the class room and looked down towards the ground since the building was three levels high. His eyes widened in surprise, below him was his whole class holding up signs that spelled out 'Will you go to prom with me?'

     But who? (y/n) walked out from the crowd of his class and waved towards him. He blushed a bright pink, covered his mouth the stepped away from the window. It was too good to be true! but just encase! He ran quickly as he could out to where you were.

     There he was standing about ten feet away from you, you walked up to him.

     "So. . . what do you say?" You said in almost a whisper so only he could hear. Your class behind you hushed to hear his answer. He teared up lightly and pulled you into a tight hug.

     "Yes, (y/n), yes yes yes yes!"  He said while holding you against him. Many "awww~'s" were heard from you class. He finally let you go, then said. "(y/n) I want you to be my girlfriend"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2014 ⏰

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