Black Sun Summary + Excerpt

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- New Horizon [book one]

- Silent Dusk [book two]

- Black Sun [book three]


The small town of Morganville is safe for another night.

Naomi has fallen, along with her plans on destroying the town, and the rise of the Founder has started once again.

Life has changed inside the Glass House, and some transformations cannot be undone. Eve Glass has joined the ranks of the undead, but with her reputation and her new choice of lifestyle, fitting into both social groups has become a difficult task.

Claire's life takes another chaotic turn when the Founder of Morganville asks her of a very important role, and she is forced to see a new and gloomier life through the eyes of vampire royalty.

Shane is offered a line of work that will either be the opening to a new fate, or ruin everything that he has ever stood for.

A stranger visits Morganville in search of Michael Glass, and he brings along an unexpected guest familiar to one of the Glass House residents.

If the citizens of the small Texas town believed that everything was peaceful, they were wrong.

[Includes violence, drama, birthday parties and the disturbance of sexy time ;)

Jks, this addition won't be as dramatic as the past two.]

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She could feel eyes burning into the back of her head, but she did her best to ignore the glares and glowers. Claire had lived in Morganville for almost over three years now, and she had finally grasped the concept that if somebody in town didn't like something, they weren't afraid to show it. Hence, the dozen or so vampires that hissed and bared their snake-like fangs at her. She held her head up high, refusing to cower beneath their cruel eyes, and proceeded forward, following the White Queen herself.

"Should you enter this room, Claire--" Amelie stopped, but she didn't turn around. Claire thought that maybe the Founder couldn't meet her eyes. "There's no chance that you will come out the same."

Claire stepped forward, and she turned her head to the side. Her eyes met Amelie's, and with a polite smile, she said, "we'll see."

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[thanks for reading beautiful person, let us prey that i continue this story]

Take note that I do not own the original Morganville Series. The introduction of the New Horizon series is purely fan-fiction entertainment. All rights belong to Rachel Caine.

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