le désir

15 2 0

he has chocolate eyes, and
hair as soft as his hands,
which are reposed on my back.
my head rests on his bare chest and
i can feel him, warm against my cheek.
his heart flutters like a hummingbird,
dulcet, like a song, a lullaby,
slowly lulling me to sleep.

i can feel my own heart hammering
with quiet expectation.
my fingers trace his face as i
carefully outline his ethereality.
i watch his lips, swelled with that of my own.
two roses slightly parted with breath.
i breathe in his heavenly scent
with the comfort of serenity,
his presence like a blanket of protection.

those lips i crave so dearly
meet my own, and i can feel
electricity course through my veins.
i lay there, caught in a daze, and i wish
we could stay here, safe, forever.

red velvet ✨ poetryOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz