Survival »» (TWD)

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I threw the shot of tequila to the back of my throat and slammed the glass down onto the counter in front of me.

I was doing everything to get my mind off of him: drinking, having sex with strangers and his best friend, popping pills here and there, and surviving the only way I knew how.

I looked down at my phone, an alert going off.


I furrowed my eyebrows, hearing the same alarm going off on everyone else's phone around the bar.

Everyone began to panic as they read the alert on their phone.

I looked to the door, watching everyone run out to their cars.

I grabbed another shot and downed it before grabbing my purse and leaving the bar.

I fumbled with my car keys before opening the car door and sitting down behind the wheel. I turned the radio on, hearing a public service announcement.

I turned the volume down before answering my phone.

"Where are you?"

His voice made shivers go down my spine as I held the phone closer to my ear.

"Bar." I answered, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"You need to get home." He replied.

I threw my phone into my seat after I heard the click—signaling that the call was over.

I groaned and picked up my phone to answer it.

"What?" I asked.

"Stay where you are. Traffic is bad, you'll never get home. We'll come to you." Devin, my brother, stated.

"I'm at the bar." I replied.

"I know." He replied.

"Who's we?" I asked.

"Me and Cheyenne." He answered.

"Who's that?" I inquired.

"Just stay inside your car, don't get out, don't let anyone in." He replied.

"Okay." I mumbled.

For some odd reason, I'm not scared. I'm excited.


can you guess who "He" is?? ;))))))

Survival »»  Daryl Dixon (TWD)Where stories live. Discover now