Would You Be My Valentine?

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Before we start this shit fest:
Characters mentioned are OC's. They're not band members, they're purely made up!
This is pure fluff with a nice cherry on top!
Also this is my first attempt ever at original characters so I'm kinda excited!



Jace made quick paces back and forth in the kitchen in front of the oven, biting his thumbnail and waiting anxiously for the timer on the oven to reach zero. He was baking cookies- Valentine cookies to be exact, the kind his boyfriend, Lou, his boyfriend of two years, liked. The type of cookies that you would find in a bakery with cute little icing placed on the top with nice looking sprinkles in shape of hearts made of different colors. More specifically, they were the type of cookies Lou drooled over and whined about not ever being able to get his hands on a box filled with a dozen of them because the nice bakery that was down the street from their apartment always sold out before he could get inside, and the other bakery that was in town was located on the other side, too far away to even try and see if they had anything.

But Jace, being the loving boyfriend that he was, snatched the family cookie recipe from his grandmother's cook book and decided that his freshly, home baked cookies were going to put that bakeries cookies to shame.

Lou was going to love these, Jace had decided. That is until he burnt and undercooked the first two batches, and now he was on his third, the ingredients were running low and his boyfriend was going to be home in approximately two hours, meaning there just wasn't enough time to run to the supermarket a few blocks away and wait in the long lines of people were getting last minute things for their significant other.

Maybe these batch of cookies wouldn't be so awful. Maybe, Jace hoped, that they were going to taste wonderful, that he didn't have to go and tell his grandmother that he failed at baking and watch as she laughed at him and teased him about it, going on about how "the cooking gene skipped a generation and went straight to Addie!" Because Addie, being the stupid twelve year old that she was, was able to do just about everything she tried and succeeded in most things.

Jace huffed at his thoughts and shook his head, pushing a pale hand through his dirty blond hair. He had to go get it touched up soon as the roots were beginning to show and-

The cookies, Jace had to remind himself.

Heaven forbid he get lost in thought again because the last time that happened he had left the cookies in the oven too long, not having heard the timer go off. They got burnt, the cookies refusing to remove from the pan.

He has to make sure to put a new set of them on a list the next time they went shopping.

A soft ping came from the kitchen counter, making the boy jump slightly before eyeing the timer on the oven. 10 more minutes.

Jace sighed and reached for his phone and saw he had three text messages from Lou, one being a picture with the boys black hair pushed in different directions, obviously from running his fingers through it in frustration, and a fat, cute pout on his lips as he looked at the camera. Jace definitely didn't save that picture and create it as his home and lockscreen. Most definitely not.

I hate work :(( pls come and save me from this hell hole!!

what r u cooking me for Valentine's? lol it better not be Burger King like last time bc you can find a new boyfriend if that's the case :p

Excuse me but u loved the Burger King and said I didn't have to cook u anything if I didn't want to

kindly exit the building now,, thnx xoxo

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